What would you do with a million dollars?

Posted by Lisa F.
Apr 13, 2013
12 people like it
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Comments (69)
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

So what will you do with all the super smart suggestions people are posting here for you?

Feb 3, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Nice Ivan...travel the world several times....I bet you even after a few times you'd still miss something wonderful...Thank you for participating, Ivan.

Feb 3, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Nice Joe...that's on one of my to do lists...buying an island. ^_^
William thank you for the thought. That's nice of you. Let's hope your wifey is not on Apsense and reads that comment. LOL

Feb 3, 2013 1 Like Like it
moj R.

Team Leader

Travel the world several time!!!

Feb 3, 2013 Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@ Lisa Well lets see, I'd rent, No I would buy a limo, pick you up, drive to my Lear jet fly to my sailing yacht and promise you the best time of your life? lol

Feb 2, 2013 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

Buy an Island. You can get them for as low as half a million. :-)

Feb 2, 2013 1 Like Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Thank you for sharing eMarketing Media...That's a great thing to do...to share with your loved ones. Very good!

Feb 2, 2013 Like it
eMarketing Media | Kent S...

iMarketing Advertising Strategies

I would invest most of it and share some with my family.

Feb 2, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

NIce Jehobith! >>> A recording studio...Thanks for sharing! Rock on!

Feb 2, 2013 Like it
jehobith :)

web designer, logo design

I would buy 1 million swedish candy fish and throw them off the empire state building because it highly unlikely I would ever live to see a million dollars. On a serious note: I would use the money to build me a recording studio so I can rock even harder than I do now.

Feb 2, 2013 1 Like Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

thank you Franto for sharing. That is quite interesting indeed.
Joseph, thank you for sharing. Make it happen!
Deirdre...sounds like a solid and sound plan. Thank you for participating Deirdre. ^_^

Feb 2, 2013 Like it
Deirdre J.

Freelance Writer & Consultant

I'd donate some to charity, invest some, leverage some into my business, and pay off a few debts...

Feb 2, 2013 1 Like Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

I have though of that many times, would change life, freedom l guess would play a big part. I do honestly think it would also provide or more stable life style with out the financial pressures........world uncertainties in global economy is not promising....lets make it happen..is what l say :}

Feb 2, 2013 Like it
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

ETF's are Exchange Traded Funds ... you can do technical analysis on their price charts so you may even make a profit on their growth in value ... in any case, you have to LEARN how to use Trading Strategies like Stop Loss Orders, etc. knowing how to work with credit and making good use of cash, has to be learned and comes with experience.

A great place to start in Canada is right here ... http://as100.webs.com/ing/

Feb 2, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Priya...Internet Marketing is when you advertise across the world wide web otherwise known as the internet. ^_^
Ok... Franto...What does EFT stand for? (The acronym) I have heard of options....I don't recognize things with their acronyms anymore.
You're welcome VPS...but I sort of picked the fruit when it's almost ripe from the tree...of course you have to start with the seed and plant it...$1 to make $10, $10 to make $100...etc...you know the drill ... ^_^ Take the first step...make a plan

Feb 1, 2013 Like it
Vps Malhotra

Free Lancer

Franto you have made it so.s imple this ETF stuff with atouch of a genius !1 All the best to you Lisa has raised a basic question $1 millon are that enough ? well money makes money correct but wise investment makes money and there is Forex to burn not to speak of stocks Well $1 million is a very good money to last for life if crdit score I high and you get a loan ad follow Franto you make 900 dollars x 1 000 per year free not a small amount by any standards but how to get that loan? And pray w

Feb 1, 2013 Like it
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

ETF's are like stocks. Instead of owning part of a regular company, one owns part of a fund managed by a bank or financial institution like ING. I bought two such ETF's paying about 12% dividend and financed it with a loan at $3% no cash down, earning me 9% a year for free - this will pay off my loan in about 8 years, the ETF's will be fully paid for and my income will than be 12% ...

@ Priya, I'll tell you about Internet Marketing at http://easycash4us.webs.com/

Feb 1, 2013 Like it
Priya S.

Affiliate Marketing

hello what is internet marketing

Feb 1, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Amal...you need to have luck and experience to invest in stocks these days...nothing is as it was. Wall Street will suck you dry.
Anoop, you are the best husband to your wife. Good for you.
Christine, you have heart. And yes, definitely help others. ^_^
Erika...Good, but depends on where you live...If in L.A. or NY $1,000,000 is not a lot of people's dream homes. ^_^ But good wish. ^_~
Katie, you have an extremely big heart! Kids are the most precious. ^_^
Aly...paper or gold it's still

Feb 1, 2013 Like it
Blog B.


No thing it,s papers

Feb 1, 2013 Like it
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