What is the reason that we as human beings are existing?

Posted by Vps Malhotra
Aug 15, 2018
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Comments (49)
Linda Blackwell

Home Business Consultant, Affiliate Marketer

We are here simply because God wanted us to be. God is very creative, a testament to what we see and maybe don't even understand around us. Mankind inherited His qualities of creativity. Look at the many inventions and breakthroughs we have witnessed! Ever get up in the morning and say, "I will make a cake today!" You proceed to get together all the ingredients, not only to put into the cake, but there is an oven that has to be a certain temperature and other environmental factors to be consider

Mar 14, 2016 Like it
Iris B.

Networker, Marketeer

Evolution, we exist by chance. We started as bacteria or one cell organisms ansd over millions of years evolved. The only thing that distinguishes us from animals is the question why. Animals may ask themselves WHAT is going on, we ask WHY it is going on. many hide behind some belief in a god instead of taking responsability for their own actions. The world would be better off without humanity, humans destroy everything and will be responsable for the end of the world one day.

Oct 7, 2015 1 Like Like it
Oluseyi Olawale

GSM repairs

so many answers hmm, I believe God created man for a divine reason and that is, To live a life of eternity. but man, involving in sins as lead man to death still God want man to live a life of eternity. if not, y did Jesus Christ came to the world to die for our sins, which is to give us the grace of having a second chance if making heaven in other to have eternal life that an lost from the beginning since Adam and eve. but you as an individual will have to accept Jesus in other to archive th

May 16, 2015 Like it
Ajay Ghisad

SFI Consultant

We as Human Beings exist, to take the name of God. No other being, other than the Human Being of all the beings has the intelligence of worshiping God. Thus we were made for this holy purpose which defines the reason for our existence

Apr 29, 2015 Like it
Vps Malhotra

Free Lancer

most unanswerable question those whohave delve deper and realised the TRUTH LIKE BUDDHA and the ilk say there is no purpose in life..you simply excist with no pupose and when this TRUTH dawns only then you are FREE Mukta or get Moksha and then you vanish in eternity..I do not know there is no purpose but direction is clear MOKSHA ..thank u for raising this marvellous question only those could answer who knows the truth we simple say it on mental level tahnk u

Mar 30, 2015 Like it
Karunagaran S.

Forex trader

We exist to play our special part in this never ending cosmic drama.

Mar 30, 2015 Like it
Derek Ayre

Writer - Zen practitioner

A question that cannot be answered in ordinary language. As as Zen practitioner, I would say that we exist in physical form as a challenge to support us seeing that we are much more than the physical. To transcend and realize our spirituality whilst still in the body... But there is no guaranteed answer as far as I can see. We exist within our bodies.. And the quesiton to ask is... do we exist apart from our bodies?

Mar 4, 2015 Like it
WBJ Ministry

Ordained Minister

God created us in his likeness to form a unified,existing world,where we love one another as we love ourselves and are willing to lay down our life for a friend.

Feb 28, 2015 Like it
Vaughan Jones

Writer, Editor, Songwriter,Musician

The Anunaki/Nefalim landed in about 8000BCE and eventually seeded with Earthlings to create the homo sapiens-sapiens. Thant's it I gueass, all depends on who one calls God.

Dec 5, 2014 1 Like Like it
Abdou Sani Boukari


Human beings obviously exist because they manifest themselves to other human beings: Among other attributes, human beings have mass and appearance that can be measured and observed, both by subjective, physiological means and by objective, scientific standards: Human beings exist.

Nov 28, 2014 Like it
ivan simeonov


start make money today

Nov 6, 2014 Like it
CW Johnson the Human...

I embrace ALL aspects of ME!

Humans are the stewards of the earth. We are supposed to help the earth flourish but instead we are destroying it.

Oct 27, 2014 1 Like Like it
Eric Drula


Dieu nous a crée pour lui et être à lui

Oct 24, 2014 Like it
WBJ Ministry

Ordained Minister

When he made the world it was void. So,he made man and woman to procreate and inhabit the earth to bring forth an existence to each other.

Sep 22, 2014 Like it
Maricel J.


The reason of man's existence is that man may be filled with God to express God and represent Him. Man is a vessel to contain God. God is man's satisfaction. God should be man's unique content. Only when man is filled with God as His content can he live a life full of meaning and satisfaction.

Sep 22, 2014 1 Like Like it
Heston Hashima

Blogger, Husband, Father, Human Resource Manager

There is no clear explanation why we, human exist. We may think of many reason why we're here. For me, we exist for a certain reason. For now, you may not know the reason why you exist. However, you'll find out as you journey towards the end of our existence.

Sep 8, 2014 Like it
Donovan Barrett Jr


The true "religion" Is spirituality

Aug 29, 2014 Like it
Bodo M.

Internet Marketing, Training, Mentor

There is only one God and we were created in his image and as a free will being. to show Him that we are His by returning his Love for us. In order to get to know God, you want to develop a personal relationship with him. Religion for the most part is a system of man and has nothing whatsoever to do with God. I would rather say, it serves the anti god. That is why true God respecting people are hated.

Aug 28, 2014 Like it
Donovan Barrett Jr


Because we are meant to come together and help one another to evolve this planet into "heaven on earth" ultimately enlightening ourselves to our true nature as the children of god

Aug 25, 2014 Like it
Vps Malhotra

Free Lancer

Oh it is a fallacy like to me..why god created us hat for? and so many anumate and in anumate things in this universe..??? this means GOD does not exist hhhhhh how do u know that ter is D GOD? Is there a GOD hhhhhhh ??? are u sure??? hhhh??/ how??// THERE IS NO GOD hhhhh

Aug 23, 2014 Like it
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