
Derek Ayre

Writer - Zen practitioner, Last online: 1 month ago

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My name is Derek Ayre and I am a hypnotherapist (now retired), Zen practitioner and writer Although I see clients in my face to face, I still keep my websites going to help and inform others on ways find solutions to their problems.

I apply the spirit of Zen to all my work, because it is a powerful way of living. Although Zen is a discipline, there are no specific right or wrong ways to "do it". In fact 'done' is not but a way of raising awareness. Zen is a discipline that involves remain


  • Hypnotherapy and Zen
    Apr 2000 to Present

    Zen is a spiritual challenge to live life with awareness and focus. It is not a religion but a Way of Life. Zen can be used as a Way in any religion. Zen is a training in mindful awareness during the process of day to day life. Words can't really des

  • Places to Visit In Wales
    Jan 2008 to Present

    I have visited practically every part of Wales (UK) and am passionate about this "land of my fathers" of which there are many places for the tourist to visit. My intention is to provide more information on places to visit in Wales.

  • Me and My ME
    Sep 2018 to Present

    M.E AKA CFS: I hope that my blog about experiencing the condition for nearly 3 decades will help give support and reassurance.... It has always been that, tomorrow it will be gone... And again tomorrow and tomorrow. It has improved with some weird an

  • Joined
    Nov 2007
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  • Derek is a man of ambition always looking for ways to improve upon his standard of living. He take keen interest in helping others achieve their goals...

  • Nice Connection, good knowledge. I wish him very best.

  • Hi Heard this "My name is Derek Ayre and I am a hypnotherapist , Zen practitioner and writer Although I have now semi-retired and no longer see clie...

  • Derek Ayre is Writer & Zen Practitioner and attached with CIAO You must join this website I m joining now its a big site I like Derek that ...