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Comments (34)
Eric Drula
We continue reading the Book of the origins of humanity. Of course, there is no question of that, but also all the 'creatures', that is to say, all that is presented as created by God: man and woman, but also the stars and plants as elements.
David L.
Jerky Direct
Thank You Floyd....I think you hit the nail on the head.
Victorino Jacalan
Wellness Marketing
Christ is the first creation of GOD, it's in John 1:1. Science can't change the truth. The Bible has foretold scoffers, unbelieving, and mockers to increase before end time comes.
Diego Sobreira
Deus .Deus é força luz ..
Victorino Jacalan
Wellness Marketing
I think the first is an angel...
Rose Frankie
Internet eBusiness,
I agree with Angelcho statement
Floyd F.
Spiritual-Religious-IM- Consultant
Please forgive the ignorance of this poor humble believer... I believe the Bible story is about God's creation and relationship with man and all that exist in this Reality (including the Heavens and the Earth. However, God being an infinite being (meaning God has always been in existence...), this suggest to me that God isn't finite and no number of years could express His existence. However, this does not seem to be the case with finite and things, like planets and such.
All things, allegedly
Bruce Bates
Cooperative marketing
Actually now your statements are becoming less troll like and more intellectual so I am liking where this topic is going.
Using your own words "NOTHING is a human invention"... and I say... bravo my friend... you are half way to understanding truth. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is a human invention. Anything that appears to be a human invention is actually just mankind's self deluded narcissistic brain twisting reality so he appears to himself as being more important than he is.
The truth is,
Buy Great Products
Affiliate Marketer
You don't need any evidence to prove existence of creator. Just observe the strict laws in the universe, observe the complexity of the life itself, observe the complexity of the human beings. Learn little bit about DNA and RNA (I call them source codes like in the programing languages). I am not sure who or what was the firs God creation but I am sure that God exist.
Reading Bruce Bates comments (your comments are articles but of course in positive matter) I conclude that it's real pleasure to
Franto Hruz
Online Income Systems Development
@ Chuck - NOTHING is a human invention, just like all gods and all other super natural ideas.
Do you even know, NATURE is full of many different forms of energy, matter and constant change? Ever heard of the "Electromagnetic Spectrum"? It existed even before man invented gods!
NOTHING can not exist - the same is true of any of these silly gods ... learn a bit more about natural processes and what goes on in the real world before talking about gods as if they ever did any good for anything!
Bruce Bates
Cooperative marketing
I actually agree with your opening sentence Franto - Blind faith is at the root of wishful thought and misguides religious mythology.
The thing is, blind faith is not good. Open your eyes so that you may see. Open your mind so that you may see; Open your heart so that you may see. When you see the proof of God's existence with your own eyes, when the endless questions science can't answer begin to make sense because you are seeing with your mind, and when your heart is open and you see his lov
Chuck Harduby
What then could have created something out of nothing? Nature says there was a "big bang." Nothingness would have remained without the intervention of your so-called "super natural deities which have no purpose." So I put to you who truly has the "dead-end view of reality?"
Franto Hruz
Online Income Systems Development
@ Harold Lamma
Blind faith is at the root of wishful thought and misguided religious mythology! The fool is you, who goes around trying to put substance into man made religious ideas without any grasp of what NATURE is all about, inventing ideas to put gods made by the human mind above the complexities and wanders of nature out of pure ignorance and not wanting to be seen as a product of nature.
Ask yourself what's at the root of your confused mind, wanting to create super natural deities whic
Tri Jumaedi
Field Engineer
i don't know, Allah and his massanger more know
Harold Lamma
Faith is the "substance" of things hoped for; the "evidence" of things not seen.
It is spoken; A fool in his heart; says there is no GOD.
God's first creation was everything; through Christ of course.
In response to Franto Hruz;
The Mind of the purposed intellectual falls short in comprehension of the spiritual aspects of life. It is dysfunctional and incapable of belief; belief emanates from the heart of man. Those who disregard truths also have been given over in many instance to a reprobat
Chuck Harduby
The question is "What was the first GOD creation?" The verses in John clearly state that the Word was God, so the Word could not have been God's first creation because the Word was God. To further this it says through Him all things were made, which explains the three-fold Godhead. People need to stop trying to make it more complicated than that.
Paula van Dun
Only God nows I think. What God is? I would say love. Universal in the broadest sence of the word. Can you see love? Can you mesure love? Can you create love? No. Does that mean love does not exist? No! Love exists. God=Love. My simple answer to a difficult question
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
Bruce Bates Senior Deluxe Cooperative marketing
I'm not JW. The first thing God created was Christ. From the book of John NIV.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it."
Bruce, I agree with you. Ch
Chuck Harduby
The angels were with God before anything else was created.
Franto Hruz
Online Income Systems Development
Any theorries of gods can only be based on religious beliefs resting on unsupported faith, which can only be seen as formalized absurdity.
Maybe we shouldn't turn this into a long winded blog on why religion is an intellectual dead end path and not a road to future human enlightenment because it's simply much better to say "This is most likely the reason but we are not sure!" ... than to invoke mysterious powers of non existing gods who have no reasonable likelihood of having ever existed bas