As some on many of those programs you must pay upgrade-in order to start earning, you need money. Also you need to organize your business-in order to get referrals. So you need traffic sites, or safelists, or other sites where you will be a member-in order to promote your links. You need good workers in your downline-in order to proceed with enrolments. So you need good organizing skills, in order to organize downline. If you organize your downline, there is no fail. Every new member to get all
Basic needs is a computer and internet access, every thing else was said before, like search for the program is it scam or not, this is very important. also important is that you're interested in the program or product, otherwise it's hard to promote it. If you need more help feel free to contact me.
there are some notes you have to take a look before joining any kind of affiliate program:
1. be sure it is not a scam
2. take a look for a while about the benefits of joining
3. the next one is about the payment, is it easy to get and reach the payment or not.
No matter the money is big or small, the thing you need is it is real adn can pay you with real money.
4. prepare to tell all of your friend about the site you joined, so you'll get more opportunity to be successful as an afiliator.
How about an education from an expert that actually cares more about helping other people than they do about the dollar or two they make for referring you?
Well basic need is for affiliate is to maximum no. of member ship in different social and business web sites so that you will be able to interact and promote your affiliate link to share with others. secondly you must have your own email list also on different website free/paid account like g mail, yahoo, hot mail and so on. I hope you will like this reply. All the best.
Comments (19)
Hop Trieusung
Welcome to new marketer
All your informations need for affiliate program system
Yogesh S.
To join most of the affiliate program, you need to have a website.
Ashu Ashwani
Internet Marketer
Thanks guys!! Your information worked for me.. thanks again for sharing such a useful information .. ..
Jacky Zheng
offer innovative gadgets from China
i am a newer too,sorry,but let's learn together !
Rouru Vaevae Pare
Online Marketer
signing up an affiliate program is easy BUT Marketing? you are on your own.if you don't have marketing skills " oh well!!! "
Dinesha R.
business & finance plan consultant
the main basic need is to be passions , basic computer ides/knowledge and risk bearing capacities.
Istvan J.
I'm helping people to reach their goals
Eleonora, you are absolutely right! Would you like to join my group? :D I thik you could be an excellent "worker" so you could have a superb team! ;)
Eleonora A.
International Marketing Management
As some on many of those programs you must pay upgrade-in order to start earning, you need money. Also you need to organize your business-in order to get referrals. So you need traffic sites, or safelists, or other sites where you will be a member-in order to promote your links. You need good workers in your downline-in order to proceed with enrolments. So you need good organizing skills, in order to organize downline. If you organize your downline, there is no fail. Every new member to get all
Herbert Schnepp
Internet Marketer
Basic needs is a computer and internet access, every thing else was said before, like search for the program is it scam or not, this is very important. also important is that you're interested in the program or product, otherwise it's hard to promote it. If you need more help feel free to contact me.
Jasika Marshel
Project Manager
Needs of Affiliate Program Research,Fine tune your method,Decide on product,Plan a course of action to earn huge income.
Istvan J.
I'm helping people to reach their goals
If you meant the requirements, than it depends on the program.
My company offers very attractive opportunities.
Valery Ryabov
It all depends on your interests
Abi Andaya Iswara
there are some notes you have to take a look before joining any kind of affiliate program:
1. be sure it is not a scam
2. take a look for a while about the benefits of joining
3. the next one is about the payment, is it easy to get and reach the payment or not.
No matter the money is big or small, the thing you need is it is real adn can pay you with real money.
4. prepare to tell all of your friend about the site you joined, so you'll get more opportunity to be successful as an afiliator.
John Jarvis
Personal Success Coach
How about an education from an expert that actually cares more about helping other people than they do about the dollar or two they make for referring you?
Mark Gray
Budding Internet Marketer
Check on google and such to make sure affiliate is legit ,do a company search and find address of company
Surenderpaul Chopra
Consultant, Affiliate
Well basic need is for affiliate is to maximum no. of member ship in different social and business web sites so that you will be able to interact and promote your affiliate link to share with others. secondly you must have your own email list also on different website free/paid account like g mail, yahoo, hot mail and so on. I hope you will like this reply. All the best.
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
Check some affiliate reviewing sites, find the best one for your business.
Riefa Firdaus
Owner mama soya malang
u must know that affiliate program is not SCAM