I agree there are some scams around but still there are so many sites which provide many facilities to their customer or new one I still agree that there are lot of bussniess man rust to join any programme.
Yes, people who have been around on the Internet for a few years will not rush to join any programme now, there are too many scams around so most people will wait and research a bit
Comments (6)
Burhan udin
Consultan IT
Yes I do, to make sure, no scam there
Wasi Haider
I agree there are some scams around but still there are so many sites which provide many facilities to their customer or new one I still agree that there are lot of bussniess man rust to join any programme.
Josh Hennion
Team Leader with S.F.I.
Yes, people who have been around on the Internet for a few years will not rush to join any programme now, there are too many scams around so most people will wait and research a bit
Wasi Haider
yes, its nature due to stisfiction because in this way every one can work with com.
Akhtar Sajid
Web Designer
yes we do
yes we do
Ubaidurrahman Rifqi
yes i do
yes i do
yes i do