Which is the maximum amount you will spent for joining a real, proven and secure business online?

Posted by Teodor M.
Feb 20, 2015
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Comments (26)
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

The idea is to have a TEAM of business creators, a kind of Apsense Angel Investors, who will create and starup one online and one offline business project. Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists are doing a great job in business world, much better than banks, which are also funding businesses but don't care much, but AI and VC care and help the business grow and succeed. Maybe I am thinking too far, but I still believe that here at Apsense there are many great people, entrepreneur, inventor and

Oct 24, 2012 Like it
Craig Traudt

Working on a Big Project

I think a lot like Bruce. I like a useful product that can benefit people who just want to use it because it is helpful.
I am happy to spend $30 to try a product first,
The results I get help determine the effectiveness and gives me the confidence of knowing it works.
Spending $600 to join a real business is a reasonable internet business investment. But then I don't do it all online either.
It actually amazes me that you can have a good business with a good product for that amount of investm

Oct 24, 2012 1 Like Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I always join ventures and businesses as partner and investor. The power of team worrking together! Creating your own biz, finding partners and joining others too, that's the secret of success!

Oct 24, 2012 1 Like Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

I liked the comment about "Joining" a business. I have never Joined a Business, I create businesses. In the past, I have joint ventured with others (sharing talents) to create businesses and we also allowed affiliates (dealers). One company manufactures modular buildings and we have qualified dealers around the Western Hemisphere. They do not PAY to Join the business, but are encouraged to purchase a display building or two (common sense)
I also LOVE Bruce's statement:
"I have never found a pro

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Udo Hoffmann

Erudite polymath

Bruce, each company is unique and has its detractors and proponents. You mentioned SFI... for many years I too was a happy and very successful member and was earning almost 5x my job income per month before I retired (yes 5 figures a month).

Then they had a computer glitch.... My SFI income went to $0 a month... my downline was GONE! Their only reply to my request for a backup to be used was "Sorry we can't do that you will have to start again"

5 years of work and effort POOF gone.. they d

Oct 23, 2012 1 Like Like it
Udo Hoffmann

Erudite polymath

Your right Warren, I too use the power of free or almost free programs to earn small amounts and multiply that by volume... in my book 3 nickels are always worth more than 1 dime... check out my last article "Honest Programs that Work, and Pay You" for more info

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

One of the greatest product I have drinking for 2 years in Romania was Healthy Coffee brand! But, it was not my fault as the biz went wrong because of USA company management so they failed in about 20 countries including mine. Believe me the coffee is briliant but because of bad MLM strategy and because the owners wanted all for them, as 99% MLM owners do, they felt. Even other HUGE companies in mlm have failed in many countries, so I decided to eat their pills and drink their liquids but never

Oct 23, 2012 1 Like Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

SFI is a brilliant company! I love them! I wouldn't have enough good things to say about them. The only problem I ever had with SFI is that the users of tripleclicks tend to ask more for an item than the value of the item - making a LOT of items REALLY hard to sell. Tht aside, GREAT Company.

Teodor You are right, I immediately write off any info-based money making products. Any "money making" info product is a scam - if the program really worked - it wouldn't have been made as the creator woul

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Bruce, let me tell you about my experience in selling products. In my short life until now I havee been selling from small gift products up to fully constructed houses (this is what I still do now), so I had good and bad experience about some products I liked very much. For example 99% of VERY HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS I LOVED couldnt sell them because of bad MLM marketing system that in 99% cases fails! So, finaly I decided only to buy (not a business) those products and never sell them to others,

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Hi Jason, can you share what happened with your SFI experience?

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

There is a risk also in selling and buying products and services as many are good for nothing, such as ebooks, for example. Millions on ebooks sold online are low quality but people still spend money buying trash ebooks.

Selling products is a real business, I agree, but buying products is not a business, it is a behavior, and in consumerism times, it's a bad behavior!

I was asking about investing in business, including a product selling business of course. Any business needs a start-up money s

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Jason Descheneaux


Nothing , why ? Because Of SFI :)

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Here's the thing, and following this advice will ensure you are NEVER caught up in ANY scam. Its very simple. I don't join businesses - I sell products and services and there is a BIG difference.

If I find a product I want to sell or a service I believe in and I want to sell that, I will pay the cost of joining the business but not because I care about the business or how much anyone is making.... its because I care about the product and believe my existing contacts will be a good match for th

Oct 23, 2012 5 Likes Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Agree with Warren and Sherry! Small amounts count for those doing a job online, and big amounts count for those who are doing bussiness online, depends of the type of that biz, marketing strategy used and very much on the buget you have for investing in that biz.

Oct 23, 2012 1 Like Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

@Warren, can you please send me a list of these websites that give away free money?

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Sherry Dossey


It totally depends on the person. There are a lot of scams but some businesses people call scams wasn't started to be scams. The people that started them just didn't know enough about running the business. So many have been hurt by the people that put a small amount of money in didn't do anything and called them a scam because they didn't make $1000 a day. You can get in a business with $2.00 but you can't expect to make as much as the person who put $200.00 in that same business, without workin

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

Teodor it's easier than you think once you learn how. I use splash pages to give away free reports, create videos that draw interest, participate online (like on APSense), and share what works with others. There are a multitude of websites that give away free money, then pay you for finding people to take it. That's all I really do, find people to take free money. NO, I don't make $1,000 a day like some people promise, but with leverage even a few cents can add up over time.

Oct 23, 2012 1 Like Like it
Ali Raza

Affiliate Marketer, Networker

Every Business claim they are real ....

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Marko S.

Web Presence Provider

Ha, ha, good answer Warren, I like it ;))

Oct 22, 2012 Like it
Gerry Copenhaver

Team Leader

I don't believe there is a maximum. It depends of my level of faith in the business as well as my ability to operate the business effectively.

Oct 22, 2012 1 Like Like it
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