If the internet ended today what business move would you make?

Posted by Harry S.
May 21, 2014
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Comments (155)
Shahzada U.

Logo & Graphic Designer

Yes you are right Sir.

Dec 7, 2012 Like it
Tanveer Hussain Baba...

Journalist , OJC , E,Marketing

Allah (God) give me the more better way . because God is God.

Dec 7, 2012 Like it
Don Dousharm

Entrepreneur, Publisher

@ Terry, I sure do hope someone was there with a camera :)

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

The last time I danced was when I was running for the exit.

Dec 5, 2012 1 Like Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Hahaha Don...you sure know how to throw a party. ^_^

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Don Dousharm

Entrepreneur, Publisher

Hmmm, Short, Fat & Balding,,, I think I can roll out on the dance floor... I prefer the mosh pit and at 220 it gives me lots of leeway... :) I spent many years on stage so I'm not shy. I will only dance on one condition and that is if Lisa, Philippe, Terry and Harry are up and dancing too :)

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

lol Terry, Don is one of my best online friends, I expect he will answer you nicely but firmly :D

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Terry - LMAO!!! Don..show them you can do! Don can do it! ^_^

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

Why don't you dance for all of 2 weeks since it's "the end" ^_^ Dance a muck...Hmm...there's a song for that. Lisa

Because after seeing Don's picture I don't think he can last two weeks. LOL

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Why don't you dance for all of 2 weeks since it's "the end" ^_^ Dance a muck...Hmm...there's a song for that.

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

We'll be dancing till the end of days!!!

( in 2 weeks ? )

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Hahahaha Philippe...If Don's dancing...I'll have a camera too. ^_^
Call it "The Last Dance"

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I look forward to seeing old timer Don dancing the night away lol

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Terry and Philippe so awesome you guys adopt children. Those children are lucky to have you as their parent because those children need love too, especially when their natural parents can't be there.
Good deed indeed...That calls for a party to celebrate...^_^ I just like to party and use any excuse to have one...We're going to have another on Dec 21, all out internet party on youtube with Don dancing with his camera. ^_^

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

Terry, what's somber about adopting kids? I was in a foster family, they never adopted me ( not judging them here, just stating facts ), and I ( we ) adopted out twin boys.Philippe

For sure, it's not a party the day you adopt a kid, not for him/her, because it means his bio parents are not there for him/her, whatever the reasons. Philippe

I meant somber about the birth certificate. I was just setting this comment apart from all of the humor of the other comments.

We are very proud and happy

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Terry, what's somber about adopting kids? I was in a foster family, they never adopted me ( not judging them here, just stating facts ), and I ( we ) adopted out twin boys.

For sure, it's not a party the day you adopt a kid, not for him/her, because it means his bio parents are not there for him/her, whatever the reasons.

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Don Dousharm

Entrepreneur, Publisher

Well if it makes you guys feel any better I don't have birthdays anymore. I stopped aging at 39 and that was about????????? Oh well I forgot :))

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Not too much. Our businesses do NOT rely solely on the Internet for Sales and Profit. The Internet has been a BOON (almost like FREE profit increase) for ourselves and all of our clients.
The only change that may be needed is forecasting drop in sales and adjust accordingly. Of course once the contact is made (conversion) through the Internet, our follow-up system uses other venues of a personal nature

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Charlie White

A full-time TRUE FRIEND.

Seems like I deviated the attention away from the main subject with my birthday comment! LOL! ;-)

Dec 5, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

Terry, Does it have to be your birthday? Why can't it be the day you were created or planned to be created? What would you call that day? ^_^ Lisa

Lisa, my Mom wouldn't give me details and my Dad claimed he couldn't remember. So I am forced to conform to birth certificate standards. :)

Actually, on a more somber note. We have 4 adopted kids. All grown now, but their birthdays and especially their birth certificates were a big event for them.

One of my girls wanted to take her birth certif

Dec 5, 2012 1 Like Like it
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