Do you promote things you actually believe in or you just after the money?

Posted by Mike G.
Aug 1, 2014
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Comments (22)
Beth Worthy


I believe in promoting the things can that has got materialistic value & genuine enough for the society. Though money holds prime importance in every corner.

Jan 14, 2014 Like it
Nelson Meggitt

OptimumWellness Coach

Thank you friend, that's great news!

To touch on your original question once more, through time and chance, I became a raving fan customer of this product before I became inclined to promote it. I actually don't post my affiliate link anywhere, I guard it pretty carefully and only send it to people I have a real relationship with or my own double-opt in leads.

Just to clarify, I thought I would also add a few important notes since so many people are making resolutions regarding their heath an

Jan 13, 2014 Like it
Pedro M.


Well Mike, I believe so hard on my feedermatrix project that I even stopped promoting other great opps that I had, giving total priority on this, mainly because of its simplicity, that, like the legend Bob Marley once said: "Its so simple man, so simple that even a Babe can understand"....he was refering to his music of course. :)

Jan 13, 2014 Like it
Mike G.


Nelson, that is very good to hear...I will share your experience with others that may have back issues...thanks.

Jan 13, 2014 Like it
Nelson Meggitt

OptimumWellness Coach

Hi Mike,

My pleasure!

Yes, that's an easy question for me...I started leaving the walker at home and walking gradually increasing distances with renewed confidence, holding my head up and looking forward to the future once again! Next I noticed my years of accumulated worries start to fade away and my "full smile" come back. As a result, all of my relationships are now improving, including my relationship to myself.

Jan 13, 2014 Like it
Mike G.


Nelson, first of all I would like to say I'm happy to hear you've found something that has helped you! 15 years is a long time to go through something like that...what was the first thing you did that you couldn't before?

Secondly, people that is how you sell something. People don't the sales crap that came with whatever you are selling they want something that they can relate to...your story even if it doesn't fit the product or service. If you do this I'm sure you will make more sales. Now if

Jan 13, 2014 Like it
Nelson Meggitt

OptimumWellness Coach

Yes,... I do! After 15 long years of chronic back pain (ask anyone who actually knows me if this is true and they will tell you) and not much success with typical solutions, doctors visits, etc., etc., I stumbled upon a 13 yr old mlm company whose flagship product is a clinically proven and physician backed inflammation fighting juice made from the fruit of the Nopal Cactus.

I figured that I owed it to myself to give the product a fair evaluation. I'm so glad that I did because now I have my

Jan 12, 2014 Like it
Mike G.


Olebz, although if your heart isn't into something it has little chance of success I do believe research is needed to reach ones full potential. Thanks.

Jan 8, 2014 Like it
Olebz K.

Work at home

I just follow my heart. Some of the promotions are really not producing any results. But I keep trying.

Jan 7, 2014 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Thanks all for your wonderful shares! My thoughts on this...I started IM in the late 90's and in the begining we saw very good took around 2004 to realize that the party was over and it was time to work at it again (money was getting low).

When we began a rebirth it was clear that you promote things that you know about or have tried because your reputation was at stake. So typicall we would buy a product or service to learn the ins and outs of it then promote it.


One day w

Jan 6, 2014 1 Like Like it
Gode G.

Internet Marketers

I promote for good commission and of course using the product itself...

Jan 6, 2014 1 Like Like it
Wallace Phillips

Affiliate Marketing

the answer is im doing what i currently do is for the money being real about it.

Jan 6, 2014 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

So very few internet programs are outside of the scam qualification, that I have a problem promoting any of them, even if it was just because of the money... I might also be defined by what I am associated with by people whom I care about. My solution is to sell stuff that people want using EBay as the portal for them to find me.... and it works!

Jan 6, 2014 3 Likes Like it
Sridhar Paruchuri

Web Strategist

I promote products that i believe are useful for every one. Money also plays vital role here..

Jan 6, 2014 Like it
ivan simeonov


yes better is when is belive and get paid a goo d money
i really belive in my promo

Jan 5, 2014 Like it
Kshitij Bhanu


It's hard to try each & every product before selling. But for me, I promote products to earn money.

Jan 5, 2014 3 Likes Like it
Salim Benhouhou

IT Support

honestly, i promote products that pays a good commission

Jan 4, 2014 3 Likes Like it
Muriel & Graham Legg

Make your website mobile friendly

Yes the money is important - but we also need to believe in the product that we are providing, that is why we use them first before promoting.

Jan 4, 2014 2 Likes Like it
Maketta A.

Internet Marketer

I promote things that I buy or would buy. I think it makes it easier for you to promote it if you have an interest in it. You wouldn't wear clothes that you really didn't like. I know I wouldn't. I believe if you don't have an interest in it it makes it hard for you to promote it. That's just my two cents.

Jan 4, 2014 2 Likes Like it
Shaf Brady SEOtraining1.c...

Online Business Shop Services

its all a hobby for me i actually enjoy it : )

Jan 4, 2014 2 Likes Like it
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