Are there any "for real" and honest people on the Internet who thrive doing honest Internet business

Posted by Vaughan Jones
Dec 11, 2015
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Comments (28)
Jüri Hass

SEO and SEM expert

I am allways glad to help. If someone needs help I am ready instruct or even help with the website stuff (installing and so on). No problem.

Jun 29, 2012 Like it
Vaughan Jones

Writer, Editor, Songwriter,Musician

Hey Juri, thank you, your comment is very interesting and useful. Elana and Zerada I thank you for your input and I feel for you. Let's stick close and help each other where possible.
Blessings and Shalom.

Jun 29, 2012 Like it
Jüri Hass

SEO and SEM expert

Well. Making money as Affiliate works. Must sell right products and use the right strategies. It is truly hard to make money using so called "free traffic" (from traffic exchanges and so on). In my experience only targeted traffic to Your product can make You money. There 2 ways - content and SEO (also not easy) or PPC advertising or other professional advertising networks. Of course more advanced way is to build a list, not for some kind business opp, better some niche like cooking, recipes, pu

Jun 28, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Zarada Na netu


I have myself clear and honest approach, and in my blogs I'm shering all the info I gather about earning on the internet free of charge or any kind of compensation. No bulshit, list building, mass mailing and similar spamming crap. But during the time I started to get interested in the topic, I came along on majority of peple who are exactly the oposit, so I have to agree with your thesis

Jun 28, 2012 1 Like Like it
Elena Shtengauer


I have not met a person who would offer me a real income is mainly a pyramid, you need to invite a bunch of people, and not just people, and that will work (such as unity). I've been here (apsense.сom) for six months but did not see anything good. Luring people into their promised many good things but in reality, nothing happens. I do not believe in internet business, I'm more than a year develop, internet business but so far only remain in the red, making the upgrade, buying useless products a

Jun 28, 2012 1 Like Like it
Vaughan Jones

Writer, Editor, Songwriter,Musician

Thanks for your comments. I have books I have written and I am in a JV with a friend who has inspirational music and personal development videos and books. So I will be calling for affiliates but I want truuly honest people who want to perform good honest business. Any ideas?

Jun 27, 2012 Like it
Hello Apsense

Three Marketer

um... try to find a 'real' product for yourself, anything... and master it, not only a questioned online program, and go sell them to 'real' people. You know,.. business is a trust, there's no business without any trust.

Jun 27, 2012 Like it
Luis Sarmiento

Leverage Your Marketing Strategies

I believe there are! I have met a few who thrive on helping people make money. On the flip side people expect to find a fix all program when in reality its not the program that needs fixing. I think when you find honest people online, use their knowledge get focused. There are scams out there but its up to you to do the homework and when you choose a program, my advice is to focus solely on it. Do not get distracted with your email inbox on the "next hype" that you need or you won't succeed. But

Jun 27, 2012 2 Likes Like it
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