What happened to people helping people just to feel good for doing it?

Posted by Margo Dae Johnson
Jul 2, 2013
11 people like it
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Comments (16)
Margo Dae Johnson

Mom, Consultant, Writer, Affiliate

I appreciate EVERYONE'S response to my question!!:) And Antonia S. I know exactly what your talking about, and that is exactly what I was talking about. You can message me if you would like to talk futher!

Feb 13, 2013 Like it
Antonia S.


I've helped many so called "friends" and when I needed help they simple rejected, maybe like Warren said probably i didn't met the good ones, if they really exist. I keep doing this, even if they don't care, someone Up there will see it. I offered even here my service for free but I guess no one needs it :) Cheers!

Feb 12, 2013 Like it
Carmen Anca Rus

Social Media Marketer

hmm...all I can say that, everytime you do something, do it with your heart, I mean only if you feel like to do it, without thinking that the thing has to come back to you. The Universe will take care, you know there is a law... what goes around comes around!! :) Success!!!

Feb 12, 2013 Like it
Enyewah Abanda


How do you want your site to work ?

Feb 12, 2013 Like it


How I wish i could also help but i am still hesitant or too ignorant about promoting sites

Feb 12, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

On one hand, we want to build relationships, on the other hand, we are trying to build a business, so if we keep doing things for free, people will expect that will always do things for free. It's tough to find the balance, of course. People who do list building say to send most emails with free information and here and there promote something.

I'd say, if you provide things like content, or graphics, or videos, or whatever you're good at, you'll get some happy surprises, some people will appre

Feb 10, 2013 1 Like Like it
Rob aka Cerberus

Better World Partisan

"He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own." (Confucius)

Feb 10, 2013 Like it
John C.

Advertiser Skills

Yep I am helping my friends with free Marketing tools that help them to find the best way to promote their sites.

Feb 10, 2013 Like it
Patty Scheeler

Integrity Networker Owner

Margo, what you are asking for I do everyday. I have set up a training site with all free information on it. I also have tons of marketing information and free training on my blog. I am an Online Marketing Consultant and I work one-on-one with each of my clients daily. Feel free to check out my brand page for more info (Integrity Networker) or just give me a shout here on ApSense. I would love to help you out :) cheers!

Feb 10, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Margo Dae Johnson

Mom, Consultant, Writer, Affiliate

Thank you very much everyone;) I appreciate the fact that you took the time to respond to my question. I will also be getting in touch with a couple of you very soon:) And Thea I am going to check out the blog, I feel like the more I read the more I learn, the more I learn and implement the more I can help others and even myself:)

Feb 10, 2013 Like it
jehobith :)

web designer, logo design

I like helping people and I don't expect anything from them..but we all experience a time when we need help and no one is there. I get what you are saying. If you need help just ask I will try my best to do so.

Feb 9, 2013 3 Likes Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

Margo you just haven't met the right people yet. I spend hours every day helping people for no cost, just because I enjoy helping people. I'm retired with nowhere to go and all day to get there, so if I didn't find someone to help I would go stir crazy some days.

Feb 9, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

Yes, there is, plenty of humanity! :) For example, http://www.forwardstepsblog.com/2012/01/start-your-own-online-business and http://www.alittlebookof.com/selfimprovementpdfebooks.html

However, I have had people write & ask me questions, to which I've replied with very detailed & lengthy responses with lots & lots of information/advice. Yet...

...in more that 80% of cases, the recipients of my time & energy (usually an hour or more) did not have the courtesy to respond with a thank you, or ev

Feb 9, 2013 1 Like Like it
jehobith :)

web designer, logo design

I will help anyone out if they ask me in a way that isn't spam and doesn't cost me money lol

Feb 9, 2013 1 Like Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

What you talking about Willis? ^_^

Feb 9, 2013 Like it
Brian Hott

E-book author, Internet Marketer

Well, the biggest thing now a days is: most people don't want to take the time to lend a hand or help anyone out unless there is something in it for them. me personally, I feel that even tho it may be just to help write a note or solve a big problem - I'll do it even it I just get a simple thank you....

Sometimes small thoughts turn into big things and I share every chance I get :)

Feb 9, 2013 1 Like Like it
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