Why Carrying Everyday Covid Essentials Is Important

Posted by Muhammad Basharat
Nov 11, 2021

We never forget to take a few things with us when stepping outside the house, like our wallet, purse, mobile phone, and keys. These are the most important things, and forgetting them behind at home feels like committing a mistake. However, after the coronavirus outbreak, some more wellness products have become a part of the never-to-forget essential list.

COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways, including our priorities. To reduce the exposure to disease-causing germs, we now have to follow certain precautions. One needs to be extra careful when they are in public places or traveling.

That’s why we have gathered a checklist of things that you need to carry with you when going outside.

Let’s dive in!

1. Face Masks

It is best to have a few face masks with you in your bag, even if it’s disposable. However, re-usable masks are much more environmentally friendly and cost-effective. So, you can use the re-usable face mask while keeping the disposable one in your bag in case of emergency.

2. Sanitizer

You need to keep your hand clean to prevent the spread of the virus. Washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds is a more effective way to kill the disease-causing pathogens. However, in the absence of that, using sanitizer is the second-best alternative.

Always keep a bottle of hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% ethanol or isopropyl alcohol.

3. Tissues

Not only during the epidemic, but tissues are something that you should always carry with you when you step out of the house. They can come in handy for numerous purposes like covering your nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing, wiping your face, cleaning doors, touching the door handles or elevator buttons.

4. Disinfectant

It is good to keep this wellness product in your backpack when you are traveling. You can also put it in your car to wipe down the surface you tend to touch a lot, for instance, the car door, cellphones, shopping cart, etc.

All these things are breeding grounds for germs and viruses. So you should clean them often with an excellent disinfecting cleaner containing 7.5% hydrogen peroxide.

5. A Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial in all the season, but keeping a personal water bottle before going out has become a new trend in 2020. It is good to carry a water bottle from home rather than stop at a store to buy or borrow a water bottle from someone. It will limit your exposure to the virus.

6. Gloves

Re-usable or disposable gloves are the best way to avoid touching potentially dirty surfaces in public. These gloves come in handy, especially when you have to press an elevator button or open doors, so you don’t have to touch the surface with bare hands.

7. Vaccination Certificate

Some countries imply vaccination certificates as a necessary part of your travel because you are not allowed in the malls, restaurants, parks, etc., without showing your vaccination card.

This practice will motivate everyone to get vaccinated to stop the spread of the virus.

In A Nutshell

All these items are the important COVID essentials that should be with you whenever you step out.

If you are short on these wellbeing products, you may purchase them from Mixed Roots in good quality at affordable prices.

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