Eczema: Common Causes And Treatment Hacks

Eczema is a common skin state that causes red, itchy, dry, and irritated skin. It typically starts during infancy or childhood and can persist to adulthood. However, eczema can occur in people of any age. This condition is also called atopic dermatitis.
Different types of eczema can determine the kind of rash you develop on your body.
Please keep reading to learn more about eczema, its cause, and how to treat it with CBD cream.
Let’s dive in!
Causes Of Eczema
Researchers suggest that an overactive immune system triggers eczema. Eczema tends to flare up when your skin is wide-open to external irritants, which causes your immune system to overreact. Additionally, scientists have found that some people with eczema don’t make enough of a filaggrin protein. This protein is in charge of helping your skin stay nourished and healthy.
Eczema flares up when one or more eczema appears on the skin. Common triggers include:
- Cigarette smoke
- Scented products
- Sweating
- Stress
- Food allergies
- Animal dander
- Upper respiratory infections
- Synthetic fabrics
- Rough stretchy material like wool
- External allergens such as mold, pollen, dust
- Chemicals or preservatives found in cleansers
Symptoms Of Eczema
The foremost symptom of eczema is dry, rough, itchy, reddened, and irritated skin. It can flare up, subside, and then flicker up again.
Eczema can occur anywhere on the body but usually affects the arms, backs of the knees, inner elbows, cheeks, and scalp. It’s not spreadable and sometimes becomes less severe with age.
Other signs include:
- Extreme itching
- Red or brownish-gray patch
- Crusty patches of dried yellowish ooze can signal infection
- Thickened scaly skin
- Sore or raw-feeling skin
- Small, raised bumps that emit fluid when scratched
Many people find their symptoms worsen at night, making it tough to sleep. Scratching eczema further infuriates and inflames the skin, which can cause an infection that must be treated with antibiotics.
Treatment For Eczema
An allergist, dermatologist, or primary care doctor can help you find the correct treatment for eczema. The right cure for you will depend on the type and severity of your eczema.
Most common treatments include:
1. Medications
Oral over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines can relieve itching. They work by obstructing allergic reactions activated by histamine. However, they can cause sleepiness, so it’s best to take them when you don’t need to be alert or work.
2. Use Of CBD Cream
CBD is usually considered safe for treating eczema and other skin conditions. CBD oil might help reduce irritation, pain, swelling, and redness from skin conditions like eczema, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
As with any topical treatment, it’s best to taste High Quality CBD Oil on a small patch of natural skin, or for easy application, you can also use CBD Cream.
3. Therapies
Light therapy or phototherapy uses ultraviolet light to help prevent immune system responses that trigger eczema. It can also prevent bacterial skin infections. It needs a series of treatments and can help reduce or clear up eczema.
4. Lifestyle Changes
Stress can trigger symptoms as well and make them worse. Some ways to reduce stress include:
- Practicing yoga
- Doing deep breathing exercise
- Listening to relaxing music
- Prioritizing a good night’s sleep
- Mediating
A cold icepack can help alleviate itching as well as soaking for 15-20 minutes in a warm or lukewarm bath.
5. Alternative Treatments
Other treatments may help calm the signs of eczema because of possible side effects. Always check with your physician before using any herbal supplement or beginning an exercise routine. Popular home remedies include:
- Green, black, or oolong tea
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Coconut, sunflower, borage, and primrose oils
- Relaxation techniques like mediation, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery.
Where To Buy CBD Cream?
If you are searching for CBD cream or CBD oil to treat your eczema, you may contact Best Buds Pharmacy. They have solutions to confront many illnesses through CBD products.
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