Calling All Japanese Learners: Don't Fall For These Misconceptions
With globalization on the rise, several European languages besides English have grown in popularity. Among these languages is Japanese, which has gained popularity as a language to learn over time.
While learning, we encounter several misconceptions about the Japanese language that is most likely to demoralize a beginner. The majority of those misconceptions are misleading and should not hinder you from enrolling in Japanese language classes.
Misconceptions Surrounding Japanese Language
Paying too much attention to misleading beliefs would deter you from learning the Japanese language that may benefit you. With that said, let's look at some of the myths about learning Japanese that you should ignore:
- Japanese Is The Most Difficult Language To Study
Personal experiences should never be considered a universal reality. You've probably heard people complain about how difficult the Japanese language is to learn. But just because a language was challenging for someone else does not mean it will be difficult for you.
Indeed, you may face difficulties when you start taking Japanese classes. But, eventually, it becomes easier if you understand the basics and core ideas.
- It's Possible To Learn Japanese Without The Knowledge Of Hiragana And Katakana
People have a misconception that they can skip Hiragana and Katakana (the basics of learning the Japanese language) to save time. The urge to complete the course quickly is understandable since there is a growing need to utilize available hours. However, you should never make the error of skipping the hiragana stage since it will only lengthen the course and cause you to spend even more time!
- It's Not Possible To Learn Japanese Through Anime
This misconception is because so many individuals watch lots of anime yet don't understand Japanese. The problem is with the individual's learning technique. You can't just watch anime by simply observing; you must actively engage in order to learn.
There's no better method to Learn Japanese Online than by anime or manga. If done correctly, you'll realize it's almost the same as studying from a textbook or attending a class.
- Kanji Is The Most Complex Part Of Learning Japanese
This misconception is quite common, both among students and people alike. The Japanese written language is entirely different from English that most people feel it must be the most challenging aspect.
Learning Kanji indeed takes extra effort; it's not impossible. You must commit to learning the basics of Kanji. When you give it your all, you'll find that it's not difficult as you were led to believe.
- It's Pointless To Learn Japanese
As technology progresses, we have access to new services that simplify our lives, such as real-time language translation. This sophisticated software has led people to believe that learning another language is no longer worthwhile.
Regardless, becoming competent in a foreign language, such as Japanese, not only gives you a ton of benefits, but you also gain a proper understanding of the language.
To Conclude
There's nothing strange about the Japanese language; it's just another language spoken by people. And individuals who decide to learn the language should be aware of the facts. The general idea is studying Japanese is similar to learning Spanish, Korean, German, or any other language.
If you're willing to give the Japanese language a try, you may contact Oku Sensei's Japanese and book your private Japanese language course today!
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