Where to Look for the Hidden Assets During Divorce Cases

Posted by John Duke
Jun 20, 2016

Split in between couples is not new to our knowledge. Where on one endcouple needs to follow an exhausting legal procedure, on other end it is an emotional trauma for both the partners. Filing for a divorce is not an easy task as you just don’t decide to stay apart from your partner but there are many more things physical and emotional from where you might need to seek detachment. And many a times this kind of bitter situation get more worsen, when your partner starts hiding their assets and properties in order to keep them safe from being distributed equally to both the parties. In this case, you can hire a professional investigator from Houston Asset Search Services who can help you to find all the hidden assets and properties.

The following points can be taken into account while finding your spouse’s hidden assets:

  • Your spouse can invest or pay most of his cash in artworks, antiques and sometimes in the hobby equipment that are usually overlooked and undervalued. It also includes the fine furnishing at his office or personal library.
  • If there is any collusion of your spouse with his employer and it is causing a big delay in the receiving of bonus, raise or the stock opinion, you also should consider all these in the hidden assets of your partner.
  • There can be many incomes, including the cash inflow that is unreported to tax returns and the financial statements. As a spouse you must have an idea about these incomes. One more thing, maybe your lifestyle expenditures, which are carried by your spouse are exceeding than his reported income. In this case, it is good to document your cash expenditures.
  • Your spouse might have set up a custodial account on the name of any of your child by using his or her security number. You need to keep informed about the existence of any such account and the transaction that are being taking place.
  • There can be some debt repayment of debt to a friend or relative with a verbal or written pre-arrangement that the money will be held to be paid till the divorce procedure complete. Here the hiring of Houston Asset Search Services or their investigator can be a great help.
  • One more place to hide money is the salary paid to one or more non-existent employees from the business account of your spouse. These checks will be simply voided after the divorce procedure ends.
  • While there are chances of divorce, your spouse makes all efforts to hide their assets, in order to perform this, they can also give the money from the business to someone close, like brother, father or girl/boy friend. Without any doubt, this money will be returned to the spouse’s account when the divorce is finalized.
  • There can be also some delay in the signing of the business contracts of a long term benefit. Maybe he is planning to sign them after the divorce.
  • The expense your partner is paying for his girl/boyfriend in the form of travel, gifts, rent, property, jewelry or college tuition, etc, also comes under surveillance when you both are parting your ways.

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