How to Stay Fit and Healthy On-the-Go without Fancy Gym Equipment

Posted by John Duke
May 16, 2016

After the birth of my first child, I took refuge in unhealthy food to beat the pressure of getting back to shape. Moreover, juggling between my career and home started taking a toll on my health. The situation became quite alarming when I reached the 100 mark on my scale. Working out is not my cup of tea, but this excuse didn’t stop me from achieving my ideal body weight in just a short span of 3 months.  Wondering how I did it? My mantra was to sweat It out. I am not a gym lover but prefer exercising from home, away from possible scrutiny. I followed a set of exercises that were perfectly designed for people who do not have time to visit the gym and who are looking for less expensive and efficient ways to remain healthy and in shape. So here you go, busy moms, working professional and travelers:These on the go workouts do not require any fancy equipment or fitness instructors- just you. The program includes a mix of cardio, strength training and muscle toning exercises that you can do anytime and anywhere.


1.      Squats :It is generally considered a lower body strengthening exercise but it is basically a full body workout , engaging  each and every muscle group of the body, let’s take a look on how it is done:


-        Stand with feet apart, wider than shoulder length and point your toes slightly outwards. The whole body should be tight and back should be in a neutral position.

-        Put your arms parallel to the ground, unlock the hips and move the hips backwards. Keep bending knees until the upper part of legs is parallel to the ground. The shoulder, chest and back should be straight and your face should be faced straight towards the wall.Stay in this position for few seconds.

-        Come back to the standing position by pushing on heels and keep your core tight. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

2.      Warrior-three : This exercise improves the balance and strengthens the core:

-        Stand with the feet together and gently lift the left leg with the toe pointing upwards. Drop your head down and try to bring head, toe and torso in a straight line with arms at your sides. Balance your body with the right leg.

-        Change legs and repeat.

3.      Pushups: The pushups strengthen arm muscles and chest.

-        Keep the feet together, curled towards your head. Place hands next to shoulders and palms face down.

-        Raise the body by pushing on palms until you make a straight line from head to toe. Stay at plank position for few seconds.

-        Repeat by lowering and raising the body back to the plank position.

4.      Meditation: While most exercise concentrate only on body, meditation concentrate on mind. This helps to calm down your mind,transforms negative thoughts to positive thoughts and improves concentration. The meditation focuses mainly on the breathing techniques. In the beginning one can sit for two to three minutes and concentrate on his/her breathing.  With some practice time can be increased even up to an hour. Once you have mastered the basic mediation techniques, you can move to more advanced techniques.


5.      Yoga: Yoga rejuvenates mind, body and soul. There are various types of asana.  All these poses do not require any kind of equipment and can be performed safely at home, in a hotel room or poolside with active yoga wears .Some of the popular asanas are mountain, chair, tree, corpse, bird, bow, dolphin pose, etc.


While performing these on the go workout exercises, you should keep yourself hydrated and take rest whenever required. Just follow these set of exercise regularly and see your mind and body transform in just a couple of days.

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