What is the History of High Heel Shoes

Posted by Mr Shoes
Jun 10, 2013
The origin of the high heel shoes can be traced back to the time when they were created as a rider’s boot so that it would get caught in the stirrups and the rider would not fall off, as would be the case if he were wearing a normal flat footed shoe. Riding boots are still made in this way, similar to the cowboy boots as they spend a lot of time on the horses. Since only men used to ride horses in those days, high heel shoes were also exclusively used by them. However, with the passage of time they became a fashion statement as more and more men started wearing them even if they were not horse-riders.

It was only around the time of 1533 that women started to wear high heel shoes when the wife of the Duke of Orleans got such shoes specially made for her because she was extremely short in stature and wanted to look taller in the company of others. Since she was very much in the social scene, other women also started imitating her and the fashion of women wearing high heel shoes took off. Gradually, men stopped wearing these shoes and women took over wearing them in all shapes and sizes as a fashion statement and to enhance their sex appeal.

Over the course of the past few centuries, high heel shoes have evolved from platform heels to stiletto heels and wedge heels. The fashion styles have kept changing into boots, court shoes and strappy sandals with a high heel. The main purpose of wearing high heel shoes by women is mainly for the way they look and for fashion rather than for any practical purpose. However, the heel has become higher and thinner over the years.

Although there are some women who find these shoes uncomfortable and they avoid wearing them, a vast majority of the women have been wearing them for many years as they find them to be comfortable and they can walk easily with them. They are so enamoured of them that they cannot even think of going to a party or a nightclub wearing flat shoes. Moreover, these shoes make them look taller than what they actually are and more graceful as they get the appearance of well-defined calf muscles and longer legs.

High heel shoes should however be worn only on some occasions and not all the time. Moreover they should not be worn on some other occasions. The appropriate occasions when women can wear high heel shoes include a dinner date with a gentleman especially if it is the first date when you want to look sexy and a confident lady. Since they will be seated most of the time, their feet will not hurt.  They can also wear these shoes if they are invited to attend a wedding as such occasions are celebrated in style and guests need to be dressed formally. Year end and corporate functions are also ideal places to wear high heel shoes as you need to look professional.

You should avoid wearing these shoes if you are going to a mall or when you are traveling by plane or train as you might be carrying a lot of luggage. High heel shoes are a wonderful style statement but they should be worn only at the right time.

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