Top Causes Of Tooth Sensitivity And How You Can Treat It

Posted by Shubhi Gupta
Dec 31, 2018

Tooth sensitivity is a condition where certain substances or temperatures cause pain or discomfort in a person's teeth. It is characterized by a sudden, shooting sensation  that affects the tooth's nerve endings. It is a temporary discomfort caused by changes in the environment of the tooth such as introduction of certain food items or sudden changes in temperature when ingesting something hot or cold. Tooth sensitivity is a very common problem among adults, and there are some ways you can help prevent them or treat them, such as using best toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums. Read on to learn more about tooth sensitivity, what causes tooth sensitivity, and the different ways you can relieve tooth sensitivity.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can happen to anyone, and the most common symptom of it is a sudden, sharp shooting sensation in the teeth when eating or drinking foods that are hot, cold, sweet, or acidic. Some people have very sensitive teeth and can have discomfort  even during brushing or flossing their teeth. That is why it is recommended to use best toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums if you suffer from tooth sensitivity.

The enamel is a protective layer that covers the dentin, which is soft. If the enamel is worn down, the dentin becomes exposed to the environment. This could also happen if the gums are receded to expose the tooth roots and underlying dentin. Dentin is connected to nerve endings that send signals of sharp sensations to the brain. It is important to use best toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums to protect the teeth from further damage and to avoid sensitivity.

The main causes of tooth sensitivity are gum recession, cavities, and enamel erosion. Other causes of tooth sensitivity are brushing too hard with a hard bristled toothbrush – this can cause enamel erosion. Periodontal disease also causes gum recession, subsequently leading to tooth sensitivity. This can be avoided by using best toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums. Teeth clenching or having the habit of grinding your teeth can also cause tooth sensitivity.

What Are Some Ways To Treat Sensitive Teeth?

For sensitive teeth to be fixed permanently, the root of the problem needs to be fixed with proper diagnosis. However, there are temporary methods to make sensitive teeth easier to deal with.

  • Use best toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums. Your dentist will suggest the best brand that is suited for your needs, but it is good to try more than one brand at first to see which one provides you with the most relief. You can also apply a layer of the toothpaste on your tooth and gums before going to bed for a good night's sleep.

  • Switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush. Using the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums is of no use if you are going to use a hard bristled brush that will only lead to more damage to your teeth.

  • Avoid highly acidic foods. The acidic nature of certain foods causes harm to our teeth and directly attacks the sensitivity receptors in the exposed dentin, so cut back on very spicy or acidic food.
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