Tips to Keep Tupperware Products Odour-Free

Apr 19, 2016
Image Plastic containers are an indispensable part of every larder in pantry. They are available in a myriad of sizes, are easy to store food and are pretty inexpensive. When it comes to plastic container, Tupperware products are in a win-win position. Popular for their strength and durability, these containers are airtight and lightweight and ideal for storing food in the refrigerator and for on-the-go lunches. However, storing and cleaning these containers can be heck of a job. Here are a few tips to keep your Tupperware containers odour free:

Rinse immediately: If possible wash the container as soon as you empty the contents. The best thing you can do to remove smells and odours from plastic containers is wash them at the earliest. Although it is advisable to wash the container thoroughly with warm water and detergent but if you are in a hurry an immediate water rinse before a detailed wash later is also helpful.

Table salt: Some food, especially the pungent ones, can leave odours in your containers even if you have cleaned them later. You can add a large pinch of salt in the container to get rid of the smell. However, do not forget to wipe out the salt before using the container.

Sunlight: Sunlight also helps in fighting back the foul smell in plastic containers. Place the containers outside in bright daylight. The sun’s rays will air the containers and remove the odour.

Vinegar: Vinegar does wonders when it comes to removing odours from plastic containers. First, wash the container thoroughly with hot water and soap. Now, fill the container with one part vinegar and three parts water and let it sit for at least three minutes. Next, remove this solution and rewash the container with soap and water.

Newspaper: Strong and persistent smell in plastic containers can also be removed with newspaper. Crumble some old newspaper inside the container and put on the lid. Now store the containers with the newspaper for at least 2 days. After that wash off the container with soap and water before using it for storing food items.

Baking soda: Apart from removing stains, baking soda can also remove smell from plastic containers. Tupperware containers, in particular, can benefit tremendously with this magical powder. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it on the inner surface of the container. Let it stay for at least one day before you wash it off with water and soap.

Tupperware on the Go is the leading online destination to buy high quality Tupperware products in the UK. The company offers a huge collection of lunch boxes, tumblers, Tupperware Baking products, storage and refrigerating products as well as kitchen cutlery and knives. The author of this article recommends Tupperware on the Go for buying Tupperware products at best prices.

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