How Safe is Tupperware and other Plastic Food Storage Containers?

Mar 10, 2016
Image There has been a lot of ruckus and rumpus lately regarding the use of Tupperware products in the microwave. Some people believe that plastic containers (including Tupperware) leach chemicals into the food when heated and contaminate it, thus making it unfit for consumption. As a result, many health conscious consumers have totally forgone the use of plastic for storing and heating food. However, the truth is that only some plastics contain such chemicals that are associated with human health concerns. And thankfully, Tupperware is not one of them.

How safe are Tupperware containers for storing food?

Plastics that are considered safest for storing food products are made up of high-density polyethylene (HDPE or plastic #2), low-density polyethylene like LDPE or plastic #4 and polypropylene (PP or plastic #5). To the relief of Tupperware lovers, most of the Tupperware Products UK is made of low density polyethylene (LDPE or plastic #4) and polypropylene (PP or plastic #5). Therefore, they are considered idea for storing food, using in the microwave as well as dishwasher.

Health hazards of using the “unsafe” plastics for food storage

Studies show that use of the “unsafe” plastics can cause certain types of cancer and reproductive problems in women. Polycarbonate (plastic #7), an important component of some of these plastic containers, can leach hormone misbalancing chemicals like Bisphenol A in the food that is related to serious health hazards.

Apart from this, plastic containers made up of polystyrene (PS, plastic #6) can also be harmful. Polystyrene contains styrene that causes skin and eye irritation, respiratory issues, depression, fatigue, kidney failure and nervous disorder. Most of the food that you get home as take-away from restaurants come in containers made of polystyrene and should be strictly avoided.

Also plastic containers made of polyethylene terephthalate should also be avoided. Most of the soda bottles fall under this category. When reused, these bottles can leach carcinogenic components. Most of the groceries are also packed in plastic that contain polyethylene terephthalate. It is recommended to take the food out of the plastic as soon as you reach home and place them in other containers or bags.


Before you buy plastic containers from any of the safe brands in the market, make sure that you have checked the plastic number mentioned mostly at the bottom of the product. Many companies manufacture different product lines and each of them can feature a different type of plastic. While one line is safe for food storage, other may not.

Tupperware on the Go is one of the leading places to buy high quality Tupperware products in the UK. The company offers everything from Tupperware lunch boxes, tumblers and baking products to storage containers. Buyers can also go for Tupperware Microwave Cooking products and refrigerating products. The author of this article recommends Tupperware on the Go for buying Tupperware products at the best prices.
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