The test Albion Online server for the test sever
I noticed Mordred is still the current patch. It was my understanding that they mentioned there would most likely be a patch mid January(Within the next two or 3 weeks?) So wouldn't the most recent patch already be on the test server if it was that close? So are we looking at longer than that or have they realized it's kinda funny to have a test server for their test server lol.
My suggestion is just be honest with your release times and if it's gonna be a while give a few sneak peaks to keep people interested with Albion Online Silver. It's hard to wait sometimes and the anticipation will keep people playing.
My other suggestion is make more frequent patches of smaller sizes. When you can implement small things like the repair all button fairly easy just put it in and be like Suprise! here is a nice gift from your friendly neighbor hood devs that love your support. There is no reason to wait for a big patch to put that in. (WoW practiced this in it's later years and I really liked it)
Last the devs should be giving specifics. Patch notes should be detailed and released and updated frequently any patch notes I have seen have been really vague. Ex. Tier 7 mobs spawn rate increased by 200%. No one has any idea how long that is because we didn't know how long to begin with. Instead of making us all sit around with timers just say we changed spawn rates from 1h to 30min.
Not trying to stir the pot with this, but really honesty is the best policy. Thankyou and regardless of it's few or many current problems I support your game SI.
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