A couple of "noob strats" in Blade & Soul

Posted by Tamam Shamoon
May 7, 2016
I'm not good so I rely on a couple of "noob strats" but I did finally start having some success against destroyers in my final sessions this weekend.

1) never tab when he didn't stun you with fury up. It's extremely, extremely risky to tab when you aren't avoiding his real burst. If you die and he didn't even use fury then you need to play better before that point, not tab it.

2) don't open the same way every time. If I started one round slow (drop flower and try to stay out of range until I drop combat with Best BNS Gold Store), I might start the next fast (try to get a sprint->blink stealth off before he moves). If you always try to blink open then you'll just get spun and fucked over.

3) kite kite kite kite. Never walk into a spin and always try to stack poisons and keep them stacked. Just chip damage and only go in when you can disable him (air combo into web for the most part).

4) I have 1 really big talent suggestion. Spec your bomb into the poison bomb (2 points). It can't be blocked (can be iframed so watch out) and it tracks pretty well. Against destroyers at my current rating it is a major source of my damage on them. Does a few thousand and stacks your poison *and* it doesn't break stealth to throw it. Should be spammed pretty much on cooldown.

Also if you have the free space, going 3 deep into your C to get a full second of iframes as well as iframes during the animation is useful in a pinch. It helps you to "manfight" the Destroyer a little bit, especially if you immune something important during it. You're almost guaranteed a resist during the cast, so you can poison shuriken as well to keep your poisons going. I usually use it when I need to buy time for one of my escaping cooldowns after getting caught or when I'm going for that final 5% HP.

5) Kite away from your flower after you put BNS Items down. Creating distance when you use flower is important, but you have to also remember that Dest do have a couple gap closers. Their leap in particular you need to be prepared for, because Dest are pretty trigger happy using it when they finally see a Sin not in stealth ("I've got that asshole now!"). You can counter the leap with a simple wood block, although you probably need to spam the fuck out of Q or SS afterwards so he doesn't knock you out with a spin.

6) It's not the end of the world if he heals up. Destroyer vs. Assassin rounds can easily go the full 3 minutes. Just concentrate on doing more damage than you take during each and every clash. If you don't get caught in a stunlock and don't try to do something stupid like fight him without stealth, then you probably won't die outright. And enemy healing doesn't matter one bit if you yourself don't die in 3 minutes.

TL;DR: Basically frustrate the hell out of him, use poisons, get re-stealths as many times as you can get more bns gold farmer, counter his gap closers, try to chi starve him (don't hit spin or get hit by it), and take your time. Try speccing poison bomb and use it as much as possible. 
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