Attack power requirements for dungeons the don't need them

Posted by Tamam Shamoon
May 11, 2016
I understand that there is a large problem with attack power requirements for dungeons the don't need them, but on the opposite end of the spectrum there is also a problem with high attack power people plain and simply having no idea what they're doing. Earlier today I was in a 500ap party for BNS Gold. Ofc 500ap is overkill for that boss, but it was pretty early in the day so not many people were running it. After waiting a few minutes a 450ap joins and immediately one of the party members asks to kick them. I convinced led to go in anyways an we did. This run was one of the biggest train wrecks I had ever seen. That 500ap was an auto detonate FM who couldn't keep up burn and died. By the time you reach 500ap you should know yeti's mechanics inside and out. ESPECIALLY FM since we have a lot to bring to the table in that dungeon. Later in necro i divided the teams. 1 person solo camp 2 duos, and myself solo lycan. Fastest set up right? Well 2 people decided not to listen and left our weakest member a 420ap Sum alone to solo soul ward. Fortunately he held on, but still it's simple directions. A lot of 550ap Asura runs fail cause people don't bother to learn how the boss functions. I could get a party of 480s that listen to me through asura easier than these 550ap randoms. Id sooner kick all these high ap people for people who can actually use their character. I'm grateful I have a clan with skilled individuals who cn run these dungeons, even if their ap isn't the highest or id go insane. Please people learn the boss mechanics, it's not too hard.

Well, this is why I prefer to solo if possible for my upgrades and try to earn them rather than rely on the market.
Unfortunately, thanks to horrid dungeons, a terrible crafting system, along with a serving of Cheap BNS Gold, you are pretty much forced to rely on the market if you plan on getting past Awakened Infernal anytime soon, as one of the materials to need to make Moonwater Trans Stones is gated behind a recipe from one dungeon that almost never drops.
It's especially stupid as it's for the Tier 3 Premium Refiners, when the first two were unlocked automatically, requiring no recipe. NCSoft suddenly can't be consistent.
And, depending on the faction situation, getting soulstones can be just as much of a pain, and unless you can solo the Moonwater dungeons, have fun fighting among the rest of the team for those tears. Funny how people say "you're not meant to play alone" when this game does almost nothing to encourage grouping.
Sadly, money is valued over skill.

I'm always seeing people say this on the forums, but I play this game all day, every day cuz I have no life, and this has never been my experience. What I found is in the middle(around 450-550) it doesn't seem to make a difference, but on the low end and high end AP almost always=skill. The 350-400 players are almost always the first to die, and the 600-650 players are almost always performing very well. It only makes sense. People who have high AP have invested a lot into the game. Most people who invest a lot into a game will care a lot more about the game than some 350 AP crybaby who complains about "upgrades 2 hard" instead of just running a few dailies and upgrading their weapon before going into level 50 dungeons. I've seen people as low as 276 in the level 50 purple dungeons with blade and soul gold hack. It's sickening. I remember a while back in a failed Yeti run where we hit the enrage timer, I demonstrated to the low AP players how little they are doing with their low AP since there's no DPS meter. I did over half of Yeti's HP by myself. The 5 of them combined couldn't even do as much as a single high AP player. Granted, half of them died to mechanics.
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