The Broadcasted Albion Online Commands
If you have ever fought people multi-boxing or multi-accounting in other games, then you would learn they are free kills.
Sure offensively they can fire off a barrage with a single click, but they can not react or move effectively to defend themselves to someone who employs or uses knockbacks, aoe silences, single target pulls or movement snares to disrupt the multi target broadcasted clicks.
If the multiboxers characters are not all exactly in the same spot, they can not move or target effectively with the broadcasted commands and they are an easy kill as the individual characters will be clicking randomly elsewhere on screen. To gather all the characters back into position the boxer has to individually command them back or try running all his Albion Gold Mall Sure offensively they can fire off a barrage with a single click,
As much as this derail might be very exciting for you guys, at the end of the day, people who will run multiple accounts will benefit our of it, since for the most part there will be no downside. If there is a downside in the forum of bans and rules, that will be a heavily draining game of tug-o-war between people who evade or circumvent the rules and regulations. Eventually the situation will get out of hand, in order to fix this there have to be things implemented now to avoid the whole mess. Instead of good solutions coming about, all I'm seeing is people arguing and talking about how to defeat or mitigate the effects of it. That should not be up to us, it should be up to the devs to make the game interactive enough to require "one account" attention and give all the tools necessary for one person to not NEED more accounts.