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Posted by Dongdong Xu
Jan 20, 2016
Grinding gear to get to the next tier is now extremely too easy where before it was way too hard. Before it was 100's of a piece where now it is 25-30 of a piece without LP. Possibly make it 100-200 without the use of LP so we could make 50 of something and then opt to use LP and not have to make the other 150.

PvE fame grinding is alright but I would like to see groups getting more fame then they do because once it is split it makes me not want to group and just go solo. Seeing as the devs love 5 man groups there could be some sort of split but still a bonus to the fame.I gather stone and I have noticed that the stone buy Albion Online Gold fame needed is the same as the others yet we have no uncommon or rare or legendary. I think it should be lowered to 75% of the other requirements as we get no additional bonus fame because it just doesn't exist. (or more base fame for each?)

Thank you for reading and please come again to Silver's corner where we try to help the devs and don't rage quit.We all knew how awful this patch was from testing it for 5 minutes in the test server. The devs also knew of this and were told NOT to release something so awful, but the very next day here we are with all progress and the entire economy falling apart. Apparently too difficult to tweak a patch at all before releasing it.

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