The Barriers of Implementing Marketing Automation

Posted by Devid Smith
Apr 6, 2021

Marketing automation has been extensively used by many small and large B2B corporations ever since its existence. But even today not every business that uses a marketing automation strategy gets the true value out of it. Sure, it has helped to alleviate many pain points of the inherent problems in traditional marketing but here are some areas where many businesses still struggle with when it comes to successfully implementing a marketing automation strategy:


1)      Adopting Marketing Automation Services

Many B2B organizations purchase marketing automation tools and software’s in the hopes that it will somehow magically solve all their problems right out of the box. While it’s true that marketing automation services can drastically scale up your sales and marketing efforts, companies often face an uphill battle when the right resources and expertise aren’t in place. This is especially common at SMEs, which is ironic because it’s these companies that have the greatest need for marketing automation solutions and have the most to gain from it.


2)      Difficulties Around Email Deliverability

According to a marketing automation specialist, email automation is one of the most successful digital marketing strategies even today which is why it is crucial to improve an organization's email deliverability- the overall health of a sender’s email including delivery rates, inbox rates, click rates, perceived email channel health, and ROI from email — amongst others. This ensures quality in boxing but unfortunately many marketers are not familiar with this concept and have no clue how to improve it.


3)      Effective Marketing Automation for Lead Management

The integration between your marketing automation agency and CRM can create a world of lead management opportunities. But thanks to inaccurate and poor lead scoring, marketing teams aren’t able segment and groom those leads in an effective way. Many marketers still struggle to leverage the most of their lead conversion as a result of less than ideal marketing automation initiatives in place.


In the end it all comes down to lead prioritization which is achievable within most marketing technology stacks and solutions but your marketing and sales efforts need to be informed, intentional and proactive when scoring, nurturing and managing prospects.

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