SRM Joint Entrance Examination for Engineering 2019
SRM Joint Entrance Examination for Engineering (SRMJEEE) is a joint entrance examination which is conducted in order to provide admission into B.Tech Courses. The SRM University conducts the SRMJEEE. The test will be conducted in an online mode. The candidates, who wish to take this examination will have to register for the same. The registration process has been started on the 27th of October 2018. One can apply till 31st of March 2019. The whole process of applying for the examination will also include slot booking. Slot booking will be mandatory without which one will not be able to access the admit card. After one books the slot, the candidate will be able to download the admit card.
SRMJEEE 2019 Hall Ticket
In order to take the examination, the candidates will
have to carry the hall ticket along with them. The srmjeee hall ticket 2019 is an important
document which will be mandatory for one to take the examination. The admit
card will be released on the official website of the university. Before
downloading the hall ticket, the candidate must make sure that he/ she has
booked the slot. The admit card will be issued on the 2nd week of
April 2019. One, who has enrolled himself/ herself for the examination will be
able to download the admit card. The hall ticket will be holding the details
like date of the examination, complete address of the examination etc. The
candidate must make sure that he/ she is bringing the prescribed documents to
the examination center.
How to Download the Hall Ticket of SRMJEEE?
The candidates, who want to download the admit card
will have to do the same by following the below-listed steps:
- Visit the official website of SRM University (
- Log -in with the help of e-mail ID and Password.
- Select the day, date and time of the examination.
- Post one has booked the slot, the candidate will have to select the option of downloading the admit card.
- Download and print the admit card for future purposes.
Documents to be brought to the Examination Center
The candidates, before stepping out of the house, must
make sure that they are carrying the mandatory documents with them. One can
bring any one of the following documents. The following points explicate about the
documents which are to be brought to the examination center of SRMJEEE:
- Aadhar Card
- Passport
- Voter ID Card
- Driving Licence
- Any other ID Proof.
Information Mentioned on the Admit Card
The SRMJEEE Hall Ticket will be holding many details. The candidate, who
is going to attempt the examination must make sure that the matter on the hall
ticket are valid. In case of any error, the candidate must contact the
university. The details, which will be mentioned on the SRMJEEE 2019 Hall
Ticket are:
- Name of the Candidate
- Full Address of the Candidate
- Date of the examination
- Time of the examination
- Full Address of the Examination Center
- Photograph and Signature of the Candidate
Important Information Related to the admit card of SRMJEEE
SRM University
will be releasing the hall ticket in an online mode only.
One, who books
the slot only will be able to download the admit card.
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