Birla Institute of Science and Technology 2019 admit card

Posted by Shivi R.
Feb 9, 2019

The admit card of BITSAT will be released on the 12th of April 2019. The candidates, who have successfully submitted the application form, only, will be able to download the admit card. The candidate will be allowed inside the examination hall with the admit card. Any candidate not having the admit card with him/her will not be allowed to sit in the entrance examination. One should make sure that he/she pastes his/her photograph in the admit card. Post one has downloaded the admit card, he/she should make sure that all the details mentioned in the same are correct. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the authorities of the exam conducting body, I.e., Birla Institute of Science and Technology.

BITSAT 2019 Admit Card

Birla Institute of Science and Technology will be releasing its hall ticket on the 12th of April 2019. One, who has successfully submitted the application form will be able to download the admit card. In order to download the admit card, the candidate has to open the official website of the institute. Then, the candidate has to click on the link of the admit card following which one will be taken to the login section where one will be asked to fill in the required login credentials. The candidate has to utmost sure that the details being filled in the login section are correct. The candidate should print his/her admit card for sure as it is to be brought to the examination centers.


Steps to Download BITSAT 2019 Admit Card

The steps to download BITSAT 2019 Hall ticket are:

Step 1: Hop to the official website of the examination conducting authority.

First and the foremost step for filling the application form will be to open the official website of Birla Institute of Science and Technology.


Step 2: Click on the prescribed link.

Furtherly, the step will be hitting the link of the admit card.


Step 3: Fill in the Required Credentials

After one clicks on the link, he/ she will be taken to the login section where he/she will have to fill in the login credentials.


Step 4: Check all the Details

The candidate has to look on the details which will be mentioned in the admit card. Because any detail being correct can create problems for the candidate in the upcoming time. If one finds any error in the admit card, then he/she must contact the examination authorities of the institute.


Step 5: Print the Admit Card for upcoming purposes

One is advised to print at least 1 copy of the admit card for future purposes.


Details Mentioned in BITSAT 2019 Admit Card

The admit card of BITSAT will be holding many important details. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the examination authorities. The list of the details mentioned in BITSAT 2019 Admit Card is:

l  Name of the Candidate

l  Date of Birth

l  Application Number

l  Date of the Examination

l  Time of the Examination

l  Address of the examination center

l  Photograph of the candidate

For official website visit:


Important Instructions Related to BITSAT 2019 Admit Card

The important instructions related to BITSAT 2019 Admit Card are:

ü  The details, which will be mentioned in the admit card will be holding many important details regarding the candidate and the examination. The details must be valid and correct.

ü  The admit card must be brought to the examination hall. If one does not bring the hall ticket, then he/she will not be allowed inside the examination hall.

No candidate will be allowed inside the examination centers with any gadget.
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