MHT CET Admit Cardwill be released on the 23rd of April 2019

Posted by Shivi R.
Feb 4, 2019

The admit card of MHT CET will be released on the 23rd of April 2019. The candidates will be able to access their admit cards from the official website of Maharashtra Government. The admit card will be available in an online mode only. The candidates will be able to access the admit card after filling in the registration number, password and security key. It will be mandatory for the candidates to bring the admit card to the examination center. If the candidate does not bring the admit card, then he/she will not be allowed to sit in the examination. After downloading the admit card, the candidates will have to notice and make sure that the details mentioned on the same are valid and correct.


MHT CET Admit Card 2019

The Maharashtra Government will be releasing the admit cards for MHT CET in an online mode. The candidates, who have successfully submitted the application form will be able to access the application form from the official website of the exam conducting authority. In order to download the admit card, the candidates will have to open the website of the exam conducting authority and then hit the link of the admit card, enter the required credentials in the login section and then hit the submit button. The candidates are advised to check all the details and then make sure that all the details are correct. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the examination authorities.


Steps to Check MHT CET Admit Card 2019

The steps to check MHT CET Admit Card 2019 are:

l  Open the official website of the examination conducting body.

l  Hit the prescribed link of the admit card.

l  Fill all the required details.

l  Check all the details.

l  Print the admit card for future purposes.


Details Mentioned in MHT CET Admit Card 2019

The admit card of MHT CET will be containing many important details related to the candidates and the exam as well. The candidates will have to make sure that the same are correct and valid. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the examination authorities. In order to know more related to the details which will be mentioned in the admit card of MH CET 2019, run an eye on the points mentioned below:

l  Name of the candidate

l  Date of Birth.

l  Application Number of the candidate

l  Date of the Examination

l  Time of the Examination

l  Address of the Examination Centre

l  Photograph of the candidate

l  Signature of the Candidate

 For official website visit:

Important Instructions related to MHT CET Admit Card 2019

The important instructions related to MHT CET Admit Card 2019 are:

The admit card of MHT CET will be holding much important details related to the candidate and the examination as well. The candidate must make sure that the same are valid and correct. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the examination authorities.

It is mandatory for one to bring the admit card to the examination hall, lest one will not be allowed inside the examination hall.

No candidate will be allowed inside the examination centers with any electronic gadget.
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