Recycling Benefits, Donate or Recycle and Sell...

Dec 31, 2016
Describe how your idea would help form new habits and improve recycling at home - Recycling Benefits, Donate or Recycle and Sell...Related image
Recycling Benefits, Donate or Recycle and Sell... Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, People connect and build Recycling communities.
Recycling is a process - a series of activities, if you want, including the collection and classification of waste, the treatment of these materials produce new products and the purchase and use of these new products by consumers.

Recycling is optimized and more efficient when we practice the waste management three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
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Disposable articles, such as polystyrene The reduction of waste that would otherwise take to recycling centers or landfills is achieved by means of a targeted reduction of our purchases and consumption, the composting of organic waste and the refusal, and plastic bags. Reuse of materials used to extend the use of a particular element. Examples of this are: the replacement of glass bottles in the artistic lamps lamp, your old cell phones to family or friends to return the street garbage in tubs community and recycle.

Why recycle? Why should you take the trouble to recycle your waste? How do we benefit from recycling and the environment?

Let us examine the benefits of recycling:

Recycling helps protect the environment

Recycling significantly reduces the amount of waste deposited in our landfills or incineration plants. Developed landfills in most cities are designed to contain toxic chemicals that escape the decomposition of water systems from solid waste. But how long? We are already receiving reports of hazardous waterborne chemicals in some cities. Incineration of solid waste for electricity can be effective, but we pay the price in the form of increased carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
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Recycling helps preserve limited resources

To take advantage of this advantage, you should take this statement from the Department of Environmental Protection in Pennsylvania: "By recycling more than 1 million tons of steel in 2004, Pennsylvania has saved 1.3 million tons of ore of iron, 718,000 tons of coal and 62,000 tons Coal, by paper recycling, paper and stationery, we saved nearly 8.2 million trees. "

Resources like oil and (gold, silver, bauxite, copper, etc.) Precious metals are finite resources that will take place sooner or later. Manufacturers of mobile phones and computers, including Dell and Apple, recognize the need for a steady supply of raw materials - the most active is to recycle materials from used products in repurchase programs.

Recycling promotes energy efficiency
Recycling is much more efficient in terms of energy consumption, producing something with fresh ingredients. This could lead to a significant reduction in our energy costs at national level. The required energy to extract, process and transport the metal from a mine to a refinery is, of course, much larger than what is necessary for the metal recycling of used products - it costs more energy to produce a new aluminum cans of fresh materials, The 20 crates are recycled materials!

Recycling helps to build a strong economy

All the benefits of cost reduction, energy efficiency, the preservation of materials and the creation of recycling jobs are added to build a strong economy for our country. Recycling, done at the national level, have a tremendous positive impact on the economy. Last year, there was a drop in prices for recyclable materials as the financial crisis began, but it bears witness to the resilience of the industry, prices return levels before the crisis, a recovery that is far ahead of most industries. They create jobs and municipalities and communities benefit from enormous savings in electricity, collection and landfill waste.

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Recycling creates jobs

Recycling generates more jobs than land-filling or incineration. This is an advantage that we will not lose sight of at this time of recession and high unemployment. Consider the provision of 10,000 tons of solid waste: burning for electricity will create 1 job; Collection and disposal on a landfill will create 6 jobs; Process  recycling 36 create jobs!

Recycling builds community

People connect and build communities around causes, problems and common requests. Recycling is no different. In many quarters and cities across the country,

Describe how your idea would help form new habits and improve recycling at home
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