Achieving Greatness One Day at a Time...

Mar 13, 2019


Achieving Greatness One Day at a Time...

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“Each time you re-read you see or learn something new.”? Ernest Hemingway

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some of the favorite books worth re-read

successful people are generally happy people and they continue winning in spite of nay-sayers.

=> 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book by Stephen R. Covey

The 90/10 Principle by Stephen Covey. ( Law of averages )

Hi Folks! Once we understand this principle we can change the way we react, 90% of the results come from the how we react and 10% from the fact that it happened to us...

1 - Be proactive

Talks about the concept of Circle of Influence and Circle of Concern. Work from the center of your influence and constantly work to expand it. Don't sit and wait in a reactive mode, waiting for problems to happen (Circle of Concern) before taking you can keep control of your life-

2 - Begin with the end in mind

Envision what you want in the future so you can work and plan towards it. Understand how people make decisions in their life. To be effective you need to act based on principles and constantly review your mission statement. Are you - right now - who you want to be? What do I have to say about myself? How do you want to be remembered? If habit 1 advises changing your life to act and be proactive, habit 2 advises that you are the programmer! Grow and stay humble.

All things are created twice. Before we act we should act in our minds first before we create something we measure twice. this is what the principle is about, do not just act, think first, is this how I want it to go and are these the correct consequences.

3 - Put first things first

Dependence means you need others to get what you want. All of us began life as an infant, depending on others for nurturing and sustenance. I may be intellectually dependent on other people's thinking; I may be emotionally dependent on other people's affirmation and validation of me. Dependence is the attitude of "you": you take care of me... or you don't come through and I blame you for the result.

Independence means you are pretty much free from the external influence [and] support of others. ... Independence is the attitude of "I"... It is the avowed goal of many individuals, and also many social movements, to enthrone independence as the highest level of achievement, but it is not the ultimate goal in effective living. There is a far more mature and more advanced level.

The third and highest level in the Maturity Continuum is interdependence. ... We live in an interdependent reality. Interdependence is essential for good leaders; good team players; a successful marriage or family life; in organizations. Interdependence is the attitude of "we"... we can co-operate; we can be a team; we can combine our talents.


The next three habits talk about Interdependence (working with others):

4 - Think win-win

Genuine feelings for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten their way. Think Win-Win isn't about being nice, nor is it a quick-fix technique. It is a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration.

5 - Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Use empathetic listening to genuinely understand a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to be influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem-solving.

The Habit 5 is greatly embraced in the Greek philosophy represented by 3 words:

1) Ethos - your personal credibility. It's the trust that you inspire, your Emotional Bank Account.

2) Pathos is the empathetic side -- it's the alignment with the emotional trust of another person communication.

3) Logos is the logic -- the reasoning part of the presentation.

The order is important: ethos, pathos, logos -- your character, and your relationships, and then the logic of your presentation.

6 - Synergize!

Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals that no one could have done alone.

Continual improvement

The final habit is that of continuous improvement in both the personal and interpersonal spheres of influence.

Think to Grow rich The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audiobooks / Stephen R. Covey, Stephen Richards Covey (October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book was The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. His other books include First Things First, Principle-Centered Leadership, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, The 8th Habit, and The Leader In Me — How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time.

=> Napoleon Hill Think And Grow Rich Book It's about much more than the catchy title...

A winner never quits, a quitter never wins-

Napoleon Hill' book speaks a lot about values, perseverance, positive attitude, self-reliance, and determination while maintaining one's dignity and always helping others reach their goals-

=>Rich Dad Poor Dad Book by Robert Kiyosaki

What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not-

Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki Audiobook

Valuable book. It should be read in all schools...

Chapter 1 – Lesson 1: The Rich Don’t Work For Money 15:55

Chapter 2 – Lesson 2: Why Teach Financial Literacy 1:29:00

Chapter 3 – Lesson 3: Mind Your Own Business 2:10:12

Chapter 4 – Lesson 4: The History of Taxes and the Power of Corporations 2:26:05

Chapter 5 – Lesson 5: The Rich Invent Money 2:50:05

Chapter 6 – Lesson 6: Work to learn Don’t Work for Money 3:40:13

Chapter 7 – Overcoming Obstacles: 4:11:50

Chapter 8 – Getting Started 4:50:30

Chapter 9 – Still Want More? Here are Some to Do’s 5:41:00

Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki,

=> Book To Read: One Up On Wall Street Book by Peter Lynch

One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch - book review. Peter Lynch is one of the best performing fund managers of all time. As the manager of the Magellan Fund at Fidelity Investments between 1977 and 1990, Lynch averaged a 29.2% annual return, making it the best performing mutual fund in the world. In this book, he reveals how to use what you already know to make money in the market. In this video, you learn his most important concepts, which build the foundation of his investing success...

=> Achieving Greatness One Day at a Time...

Start from where you are and build on what you have. Read a Book/Video

Creating the right good habits/behavior and eliminating damaging bad habits in 21 days change your life for the better-

Healthy Eating, Rest, particularly sleep works to restore willpower...habit starts changing, it seems to set off a chain reaction that changes other habits.the reward is actually the most important part.

Rewards are multi-faceted and can contain physical, emotional and intellectual components. The Behavior is the habit A Routine, this pattern is the habit itself, the behavior.

The Reward is how our nervous system...affecting the brain, nerves, and muscles, learns to encode this new pattern for the future. Achieving Greatness One Day at a Time...

"Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were INTELLIGENT FOLLOWERS. With few exceptions, the man who cannot follow a leader intelligently, cannot become an effective leader."

"Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million dollar mark disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of REACHING DECISIONS PROMPTLY, and of changing these decisions SLOWLY, if, and when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, IF AT ALL, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often."

"Those who talk too much do little else. If you talk more than you listen, you not only deprive yourself of many opportunities to accumulate useful knowledge...

"When riches take the place of poverty, the change is usually brought about through well conceived and carefully executed PLANS.

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