Facebook Articles maximize Your Revenue...

Instant Articles program to all publishers—of any size, anywhere in the world; Facebook Articles maximize Your Revenue... We invite you to register NOW... Thousands of Instant Articles are published on Facebook each day and are available to everyone who uses Facebook on iPhone and Android.
With Instant Articles, publishers are in control. You decide what to publish.
*Sell ads in your articles and keep the revenue,
*take advantage of Facebook Audience Network to maximize total revenue, Instant Articles integrate seamlessly with your current workflow, using existing production tools along with standard HTML and RSS feeds.
Control and Customization-*A new way for publishers to create fast, interactive articles on Facebook.
*Watch the video
Fast and Responsive
*Leveraging the same technology used to display photos and videos quickly in the Facebook app, articles load instantly
, as much as 10 times faster than the standard mobile web.
Interactive and Immersive
*Powerful new creative tools bring your stories to life-Instantly
we will open up the Instant Articles program to all publishers—of any size, anywhere in the world.
Articles daily from these publishers and more.Look at for Instant Facebook's F8 conference, On April 12th, 2015 Customize your articles and News Feed previews to match your brand identity!
- Instant Articles integrate seamlessly with your current workflow, using existing production tools along with standard HTML and RSS feeds.
- Control and Customization
- *With Instant Articles, publishers are in control. You decide what to publish.
- *Sell ads in your articles and keep the revenue,
- *take advantage of Facebook Audience Network to maximize total revenue.
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*take advantage of Facebook Audience maximize total revenue? anywhere in the world! *Leveraging technology. *Powerful creative tools* 10 times faster Interactive... used display photos *Watch the videos Instant Articles are published on Facebook each day and are available to everyone who uses Facebook on iPhone and Android-