Posted by Jason John
Jan 19, 2021

If you won't date someone because they are HIV Positive, then you are trash, and that's all if you disagree, you're wrong. 

Although it isn't a death sentence anymore, the virus can be debilitating for some and with people not feeling comfortable going to the doctor during a pandemic, who knows how many people are currently suffering from the virus to not being able to be treated knowing this. I'm trash for telling them to get their partner tested for all curable or incurable STIs. If they are HIV positive on whether to stay or walk away, you need deep intensive therapy. If you have this kind of mindset, thank you to those living with HIV who educate others about prevention and care enough to be open about their status.


We love you over here tremendously, I think that it is a profoundly beautiful thing to say the tweet was disturbing, and I think it was a bit uncalled for. It is trying to alienate and isolate people and belittle people into making an individual choice. Of course, after reading this, I asked myself if I would ever date someone who is HIV positive. I always thought that the answer to this question was so straight cut that i didn't even bother to ask myself that question like, you want me to lay in bed, sleep, kiss, hug, touch somebody, another person who has a deadly virus inside them. I know that it can only be spread through bodily fluids transmission, but don't you swap bodily fluids with your partner. I know I do on occasion to make love with your partner with your soul mate is one of the most incredible gifts that God has given us.


Read More: HIV & Herpes Dating Site For Black Positive Singles


Unfortunately, a lot of people have taken that for granted, and they don't take responsibility. it's a massive responsibility, and people take it for granted. You can create a life, for heaven's sake. So, it's something that we need to take into consideration as being one of the greatest gifts ever given to humankind. So i never asked myself the question, would I ever be with somebody who's HIV positive? Of course not, I always used to say, well, no, I never used to say that it was just a given.


I would never date somebody before when I was dating who HIV had. Of course, it's no, and then I had this moment today, I went deep into thought and thought, what if I mean these people who have HIV? This is somebody's son, somebody's daughter, I must admit you know15 years ago, I never used to think with this when I used to think about women I only used to think about what was between my legs and only since I've gotten a little older. A little wiser that I realized the importance of what's in a woman's heart and mind, heart, and mind, then I started to think, well, wait a minute. 


What if I met my wife? the first thing she told me was I'm HIV positive. What would I say to that? Would I have continued seeing her? Would I have run away in fear? My wife is one of the most incredible people I have ever met because she's intelligent, warm, caring, and sharing beautiful on the inside and out. Many men will say that they are lucky, and then they'll run behind their wives ' backs and stick their little. 


Their little penises into places where perhaps they shouldn't are that love, of course, it doesn't love you can't love somebody and have no respect. You can't love somebody and have no honor for them have no integrity in your relationship. you don't have a relationship without integrity; you've got nothing, so I posed that question to myself and, of course, in a heartbeat without hesitation. I would not only date her, but I would also end up marrying her and staying with her for the rest of her life. If you are with your soul mate, the woman that or man if you're a woman that you're going to stay with for the rest of your life, the rest of your natural life. Suppose you're with that person now, and you cannot answer that question the same way that i answered that question. In that case, you need to ask yourself, is that person your soul mate is that person really the one is that person the one that you was destined to be with for the rest of your life. Perhaps not that there shouldn't be any hesitation. There shouldn't be any hesitation. It wouldn't matter if my wife had no arms, no legs, whether she couldn't have sex for the rest of our lives.


I would stand by her no matter what, and I'm just hoping that many of you who perhaps are too young or haven't met that special one. You haven't been in that situation where you're with the person that you would sacrifice everything. If you're not in that situation, truly hope that you get to be in a problem one day because it's a situation that not everybody gets to have in their lifetime. You know many people marry and date and have relationships out of convenience; a lot of people have relationships out of very shallow intentions and reasons. 


Lastly, I would want to tell those living with HIV Positive to accept their status and spend the rest of your life with them. They need support to love care from you.


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