New South Wales HIV Story: How I Found Out?

Posted by Jason John
Aug 12, 2021

My name is Evelyn, and I've been living with HIV for 27 years, even though I only have six years while knowing about my status. I have been living with it since I was born.

 How I found out HIV Positive:

I was still a student studying become accounting at the university. By the year 2012, I was 22 years of age. What happened was that I grew up being sick all my life. I was in and out of hospitals.  I got ill from diseases that nobody would tell me what the cause of them is. So this particular week, it was around 2014. I started sweating in my sleep. I would sweat so bad that I would wet the whole bed. It was so bad that my joints were painful whenever I would sleep in my sweating nights. I would have sore joints, and magically, my tongue turned white. They call it oral thrush.

I went to the clinic as I always did complaining about oral thrashes, and what happened is that this nurse, I don't even know her name pains me. Still, she told me that you've been coming here several times complaining about different things and oral thrash show about I test you for HIV and to my surprise. I'm still a virgin, by the way; when I found out I was on television, so I'm still a virgin, I've never had any sexual interaction, and I've never been in an accident. It involved blood, but to God's grace, I agreed today; I believe it was god I decided because I knew I was negative.

There was no way, so she tested me, then asked me what do you see. I said I see two lines; I'm like, no, it can't be. How is it possible I've never had sex? I've never actually liked how I was that in denial that I even demanded another test? She's like, okay, let's do another one. She got another testing kit we tested. We patiently waited for it, and it was positive again to my shock and my denials. At that moment, everything is raising in my mind, bested in tears that I cried that I felt like the world was shutting me in. They even had to call the assistant.

The HIV cancer lady they were all in the room trying to comfort me. Still, I couldn't hear a word anyone said in that room magically. I couldn't even see them. It was one time of my life that I would never forget. It was one time that I wish never happened, and after that, as hallow as I was as empty and as I felt like I was floating. When I left the clinic, I walked out called my sister, and she was like, how was the clinic? How did everything go? Because she knew I would get an oral thrush medication, and I burst into tears over the phone. I'm like I tested, and the posit in the result says positive had this support from my sister that day that I never thought that anyone in this world would understand especially knowing the whole stigma of people criticizing us people living with HIV that they don't want to be next to us.

You can find healing though she said all that honestly at the back of my mind. I was scared, I said, and you know what? I told myself that this lady, I know she's trying to motivate me, but dude, you're not in my shoes. I know the stigma that's out there. I understand how people like myself are treated don't even know which next move. I'm going to take it, but I had to go through it and accept it at the end of the day but not on that day after spending a night at my sister's place in the morning. I remember waking her up at 6 a.m. I'm like, and I'm fetch wake up dude, we have to go to the clinic again because honestly, I know we tried to motivate. All the talks that we had last night, and I was starting to calm down. Still, right now, I'm not calm.

We need to find out if there isn't another way that they can test me, maybe taking blood to the lab or anything. so we went to the clinic, and when we got there, I explained to them that ex honestly I don't believe that I'm HIV positive even though deep down on you. I touched it three times, and the whole set was positive, and after a few days, the results came back, and the only new thing on that on the results was that my cd4 count was64and the average viral load is actually300 to 500 or even more. So imagine here I have a cd4 count of below 100, which is 64, and a high viral load, so guess what I asked myself thereon was: What if I was sexually active? What if I had had multiple partners? How many people would I have infected? How many people would I be regretting actually having sexual interactions with? A year later, I discovered that I was born with it, which I managed to live 24 years without being affected by God's grace.

After a Year back, My Sister suggested an Online HIV Dating Site for more support and care. I am luckily found a partner and his name is Anderson . he gave me a good life after my bad story, now I am living happily.

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