Properties and Benefits of Organic Honey

Posted by Zill Davis
Sep 29, 2022

If you’ve been trying to search for healthier alternatives to sweeten your beverages and dessert then your search ends here. Organic Honey is one of the best investments you can make when it comes to your health. This honey is obtained from the flowers of certified organic fields. These fields must meet the standards set by organic beekeeping for the honey obtained to qualify as organic honey. For instance, when it comes to organic cheese, regulations mandate that the milk should be produced organically and the fodder that the livestock consumes should also be produced organically.

These regulations are regarding the environment surrounding the hive as well as the environment within the hive. In the case of honey - these environments, the bees, the wax should pass rigorous controls for the final product to be considered organic. 

Everything you should know about Organic Honey 

Organic honey is a rich source of vitamins and minerals which are extremely beneficial for your health. It contains antioxidants as well as some B-complex vitamins. It also contains vitamins C, E and D. It also contains minerals such as zinc, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron, potassium, etc. 

Honey is also a good source of natural sugars and it is an ideal food for individuals undergoing high stress, and growth, and for people who participate in bodybuilding activities. Since these sugars dissolve quickly in the blood, it helps in rejuvenating the body and providing energy in a short span of time. The following are some main benefits of organic honey: 

1.     Regulates Sugar Levels in the Blood 

While it is true that honey contains sugar, there is also no denying that honey regulates sugar levels in your blood. In order for this regulation to take place, the levels of fructose and glucose should be balanced. When this balance is maintained, the liver takes up the glucose and leads to the development of glycogen. Glycogen is responsible for the improvement in the functioning of tissues and organs. This helps in reducing the levels of glucose and regulating blood sugar levels.

2.     Metabolic Stress reduces considerably 

Any kind of stress, irrespective of its nature - physiological, psychological, or emotional - gets transmitted to the body as metabolic stress. This leads to muscle mass production and the process leads to muscle hypertrophy. Since organic honey helps in the production of glycogen in the liver, it inhibits the release of stress hormones throughout the day. Honey is also not just great for controlling stress but also for increasing concentration levels. 

3.     The Quality of Sleep Improves 

Perhaps this is one of the lesser known qualities of honey but the glucose in the organic honey triggers the brain to produce less orexin. This component is related to insomnia and is responsible for the quality of sleep. Honey also triggers the release of tryptophan within the brain. This is then converted into serotonin which helps in maintaining the balance of sleep. Many people believe that honey must be included in a night-time routine as it helps in promoting sleep. 

Also ReadReasons to Include Organic Seeds in Your Diet


Honey also helps in soothing sore throats and reducing constipation. The best part about consuming organic foods is that you can easily avail them from local sellers or online stores. Whether you are looking for organic cheese, coffee, seeds or honey you can simply get them delivered to your doorstep. 

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