Overview of Composition of Mineral Paints

Posted by Evan M.
Sep 23, 2021
As follows from dictionaries and encyclopedias, mineral paints are inorganic compounds obtained either directly from minerals, or artificially, as a result of chemical processes.

The word mineral means a natural chemical compound, an integral part of rocks and ores, found both in a solid state and in a liquid (mercury, water).

The most ancient paints were clays of different colors, chalk, natural yellow and red ocher (yellow and red mixtures of iron oxides with clay), coal and soot. And the first binding component could be animal fat or bird eggs, allowing pigment to be fixed on the walls of caves.

cave painting
The oldest paints were completely natural in composition.
Without going into history, let's define what mineral paint guts.pk/shop/category/art-supplies/acrylics/ is in the modern sense.

Silicate paints are used for facades and interiors. They paint any surface that has a mineral base. The coating is heat-resistant, fire-retardant, resistant to weathering and UV rays, at the same time it has good air and vapor permeability.

According to GOST, silicate paints are a suspension of fillers, alkali-resistant pigments and silicatizers * in an aqueous solution of liquid potassium glass. When applied to a surface, a decorative and protective waterproof coating fitnessologyblog.wordpress.com/2021/08/24/what-paint-to-choose-for-a-metal-fence/ is created that penetrates into the surface structure.

The possibility of using additives and fillers (expanded perlite, ground chamotte, glass and others) allows you to create a variety of textured surfaces. But the use of special dyes limits the color palette.

A feature of silicate compositions is the laboriousness of their application, in comparison with cement and lime. Paints are available in two packages: potash glass - in containers, a mixture of fillers and pigments - in bags. The components are mixed immediately before painting fitnessthrough.over-blog.com/tips-for-working-with-oil-paints.html. A special requirement is imposed on the working surface: it must not have old coatings, it must be primed with silicate paint or silicate primer.

In foreign practice, a four-layer surface treatment is used: pickling, primer and two layers of decorative coating. If this technology is followed, the service life of the coating is about 20 years.

It is silicate paint that is called mineral paint in foreign brochures.

Having considered the properties of mineral paints, one cannot ignore their significant component - pigments, especially since their certain qualities affect the properties of the paint composition with the same binder.

Natural mineral dyes are obtained by grinding rocks and minerals to a powdery state, in some cases by subjecting them to heat treatment.

mineral pigments
Natural pigments are obtained from minerals and rocks
Here are some of the natural pigments:

Chalk is the best white pigment. It is used in water, silicate, adhesives; is the main filler in putties and putties; mixes up with all types of dyes.
Ocher - the color range of this natural pigment heatbud.com/post/education-5-what-criteria-to-choose-the-interior-paint - from yellow to yellow-brown. It is used in various paint formulations depending on the brand. During heat treatment, burnt ocher becomes brownish-red and denser, the hiding power of the paint increases. Alkali-resistant.

Mummy is a yellow-brown-red mineral, produced in light and dark versions; used in adhesive and lightfast oil paints.

Natural sienna - gray-brown-orange color; with strong heating, burnt sienna turns into chestnut, hiding power is low, the coating is transparent. Acid resistant.

Red lead iron - a brown pigment with a red tint. Produced in different brands for different binders. Resistant to weathering, has good hiding power on all surfaces due to the presence of clay.

Natural umber - a brownish-greenish pigment; when ignited, burnt umber turns reddish-brown and increases hiding power. They are used in all paint compositions, most often used in mastics and primers.

Graphite gray - the color of the mineral is from dark gray to black. A black pigment with good coloring power. Lightfast, fireproof, chemical resistant - used as an anti-corrosion coating.

Today, mineral paints at stationery shop guts.pk/shop/ with natural dyes are the most environmentally friendly: in comparison with other paints and varnishes, they contain a very small amount of volatile organic compounds.
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