What types of fats are there? Healthy and unhealthy fats.

Posted by Evan M.
Oct 3, 2024

Fats what are they, what types are there. The basis of any healthy diet, which accounts for a third of the calories consumed, is fats. Fats are organic compounds that consist of fatty acids and glycerol. Fats can be of both animal and plant origin.

Why does the body need fats?

Different types of fatty acids have individual effects on the body, which differ dramatically from each other. That is, the common opinion that "vegetable oils are healthy, but animal fats are extremely harmful" has nothing to do with reality. Any fats are healthy and important, but only in certain quantities. In addition, the human body is simply unable to produce some fats on its own. Without fatty acids, the absorption of such important vitamins as A, D, K, E is not possible.

The amount of fatty acids in the body affects hormone synthesis, the state of immunity and even metabolism. Fats supply 30-40% of the daily caloric intake of the diet, thus performing an energy function. A targeted reduction in the daily fat intake, for example, when following certain diets, is fraught with the emergence of irritability, memory loss, the emergence and development of joint diseases, as well as problems with hair, skin and nails.

Daily fat requirement

Many people ask themselves: how much fat should you consume per day for your body to function properly?

Based on the fact that 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, and the daily rate of fat consumption is equal to 20-25% of the daily calorie intake, it turns out that a person weighing 60 kg should have a daily fat intake of at least 40 grams. It goes without saying that 1-2 grams of this amount should be omega-3 fatty acids.

Healthy fats in foods

Unsaturated fats are a necessary element in the proper functioning of internal organs and all life-supporting systems. That is why monounsaturated fats are considered the most useful for the human body like yoga gracify.co.uk/best-yoga-mat-size/. They help maintain the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, do not allow "bad" cholesterol to oxidize, and thus reduce its amount.

Polyunsaturated fats are involved in tissue regeneration, prevention of heart disease, and also in the formation and growth of muscle mass. The benefit of vegetable fats is their ability to normalize metabolism. And the benefit of animal fats is that they can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and even heart attack.

Foods containing healthy fats

Foods high in monounsaturated fatty acids include hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, macadamia nuts and pecans, vegetable oils such as rapeseed, canola, peanut and olive oils, avocados and olives.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are rich in fish and seafood, fish oil, wheat germ oil, flaxseed and soybean oils, soybeans and tofu, dark green leafy vegetables, walnuts, almonds.

Which fats are harmful?

Saturated fats, the benefits and harms of which have long been considered a controversial issue, are still recognized as useful, but only when ingested in a certain amount. They differ from their unsaturated counterparts by their high hydrogen content. Excessive consumption of saturated fatty acids leads to a slowdown in metabolism, difficulty burning calories and, ultimately, to obesity. And yet, the human body cannot do without them - the daily norm of such fats should be 7% of the total need for fats. By the way, saturated fats can be recognized even by their appearance - even at room temperature, they manage to retain their shape.

However, healthy and necessary vegetable fat can be turned into something dangerous for the body. Heating destroys some vitamins and generally destroys polyunsaturated fatty acids, thereby reducing their biological value. If fats are subjected to heat treatment for more than 30 minutes, toxic products of fatty acid oxidation are formed. In cases where fats are heated to a temperature above 200 degrees Celsius and with repeated cases of heat treatment, carcinogenic substances appear in them.

But trans fats fall into the category of harmful and truly dangerous fats. Their main source is hydrogenated fat. To obtain such fat, vegetable fats are saturated with hydrogen, thereby converting liquid oil into a solid substance.

The maximum daily dose of trans fats is a tablespoon. Trans fats lead to the development of quite serious cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. In young growing organisms, trans fats cause growth retardation and slow down the development of muscle mass.

Products containing harmful fats

Margarine, which can contain up to 40% trans fat, is added to the recipes of many confectionery products.

Margarine is widely added to various instant products, semi-finished products, croutons, cookies, crackers, chips and is even used in meat cooking.

All fast food, without exception, contains harmful fats and carcinogens. Decide for yourself whether a tasty hamburger is worth the subsequent health problems?

Research has linked trans fats to cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, liver disease and depression.

Hidden fats and products containing them

Today, humanity knows both natural trans-isomers of fatty acids and those created artificially. The formation of natural trans fats occurs as a result of the vital activity of bacteria in the multi-chamber stomach of ruminants. Such fats are preserved in dairy and meat products - about 5-8%.

Almost everyone is familiar with processed fats, generously flavored with stabilizers and emulsifiers, that is, mayonnaise. This is one of the most dangerous products, skillfully disguised as vegetable fats.

The recipe for almost all types of sausages, frankfurters and wieners includes fats invisible to the naked eye, the consumption of which leads your body to obesity and related diseases.

Final Words

All fats, both animal and vegetable, are healthy. The main thing is to observe moderation and carefully plan your diet. By giving preference, for example, to salmon dishes and resolutely refusing fatty burgers, you take care of your body, while remaining healthy and strong.

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