Oral Health And Your Body

Posted by Ulla Sarja
Apr 15, 2013

Is there really a mouth-body connection?

You maybe have heard of that there is a mouth-body connection but is it true? Many people think that dental visit is about getting their teeth cleaned, having a tooth pulled, or get a filling. But this is not just about teeth. It is about your overall health and how you feel. What goes on in your mouth is affecting the rest of your body and what is going on in your body also can have an effect on your mouth.

There are many diseases and conditions that can affect your oral health, like a weak immune system.. The immune system protects your body from illness and infection and it can be weakened by disease, by drugs taken to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs, or as a side effect of cancer chemotherapy drugs. And sometimes we just need to take these drugs because of our own health or to prevent some diseases. These medicines can cause dry mouth and then there is immediately a bigger risk of dental decay and infections. An aggressive form of periodontitis is literally eating your teeth and you are going to lose them sooner or later. Actually, your dentist might signs or symptoms of an illness or disease that you might not even know you have. The dentist can eve perform tests or refer you to a specialist for treatment.

There are several medical conditions causing a need specialized oral and dental care.

Aggressive form of periodontisis

Your oral health also can affect many other medical conditions. For example, if you are diabetic, infections in your mouth can disrupt your blood-sugar levels and it makes your diabetes harder to control. Researchers also are exploring whether periodontal (gum) disease may increase the risk of various medical problems. These may include heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and premature births.

There are even several other diseases that may have a two-way connection from your mouth to body, like osteoporosis. If you have osteoporosis you lose bone density and it can make bones break easily. About 10 million people in the United States have osteoporosis. About 8 out of 10 are women. Another 34 million people are at risk (http://www.simplestepsdental.com/). And of course it is not only a disease in US but we all can get it, sooner or later. This leads that about 35 % U.S adults have periodontitis and 50 % have gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. These conditions are so common that to begin treatment in time can be important implications for overall public health.

This means that 50 % of us all probably some kind of infection or some form of gum disease in our mouth, so why don´t we do anything to prevent it? For many people brushing teeth is just a procedure that has to be done every morning and every evening. Then we think we have done our best to prevent diseases in our mouth.

But as you can read above, it is not enough! You need to do something radical to keep your mouth and body healthy. And I suppose you want to keep even your teeth and keep them fine, not brown-yellow bad looking teeth. Actually, your smile is what people see at first when they meet you, your smile and your eyes.

So what can we do to keep our teeth healthy and by that way, help our bodily health? Of course by taking care of our teeth! And the best toothbrush just now to keep your mouth healthy is Emmi-dent Ultrasonic.Emmi-Dent Ultrasonic


Patients from Dr. Young:

Emmi-dent was introduced to two of his patients, both female, and middle aged. Their response was very positive. Patient A had extensive cosmetic dental reconstruction and was impressed by the gentle, effective action that the Emmi-dent  creates with the use of the coordinating nano-bubble toothpaste. The patient has  had concerns with the use of oscillating and sonic powered toothbrushes regarding  toothbrush abrasions, especially in the areas of receding gums, along with possible wear factors. Emmi-dent has proved that this won't occur with its gentle yet effective ultrasonic action. The patient was excited that this would be helpful to maintain tissue health post-treatment and address her concerns about her cosmetic restorative treatment being destroyed by abrasive brushing with conventional toothpaste with a high RDA rating.

Patient “B” had areas of toothbrush abrasion and receding gums along with moderate to heavy plaque and calculus deposits. She is under a lot of stress in her life and is on medications. Emmi-dent was demonstrated to “B”, after a clinical visit and as a finishing touch post-treatment with the Emmi-dent toothpaste. She was impressed by the nano-technology of the toothpaste, which was formulated for ultrasound, and felt quite refreshed after use. The quiet action and sound of the Emmi-dent also soothed her anxiety. “B” felt that she would be able to use the Emmi-dent and floss more regularly, so she would not dread her dental visits.

She was impressed that this was a unique service offered by Dr. Young and was ecstatic that it is available”( http://www.emmi-dent.com/).

So try Emmi-dent products and you are going to be surprised how well they work!"If you want to know how I am supporting myself and what

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Our sensational Ultrasound Toothbrush is awesome.


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 Cleaning Revolution :) 


Ulla Sarja

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Comments (3)
Sonera Jhaveri

Psychotherapist in Mumbai

Sonera is a psychotherapist who specializes in counselling psychology, individual, family, couples, group and cognitive behaviour therapy in Mumbai, India

Address: Flat No. Ground Floor, Firdaus,, 1, Vitthaldas Thackersey Marg, New Marine Lines, Marine Lines, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020 Phone:09820023623

May 24, 2016 Like it
Ulla Sarja

Psychotherapist, educator, coach

Thanks Marius, I know it is!

Jun 2, 2013 1 Like Like it
Marius Wlassak

Business Media Consultant

Excellent review and big opportunity ! Well done.

Jun 2, 2013 1 Like Like it
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