Oral Health and Kidney disease

Posted by Ulla Sarja
Apr 7, 2013

Most of us don´t know how important dental health is for our health and if you take care of your teeth, you can avoid many diseases. But you can build a bridge between the dental and renal communities.

Physicians today have very little dental knowledge. As we learn more and more about the inflammation link to many chronic and auto-immune diseases, we can no longer be ignorant to the cesspool of harmful bacteria that may be residing in our gums, tonsils, Eustachian tubes, tongue, teeth, and sinuses. The list goes on and on. Our internal body is not as self-cleansing as we once believed it to be”. (Connelly, T.P. DDS, 2009, Washington Post).

There is a link between teeth and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even kidney diseases.

Of the 20 million Americans living with kidney disease, approximately 470,000 are living with end stage renal disease (ESRD).

 Astonishingly, since 1983 this number has almost tripled,6 and by the year 2030, more than 2 million people are likely to be receiving treatment for kidney failure.

Because the early stages of kidney disease are typically asymptomatic, many patients (unaware of their risk for kidney disease) wait to seek medical care until renal disease has progressed to ESRD.

Unfortunately, ESRD is a bilateral, chronic, and progressive disease characterized by irreversible destruction of the renal nephrons. Comorbidities are common with ESRD; systemic complications associated with renal failure include: cardiovascular (hypertension, congestive heart failure, and pericarditis), gastrointestinal (anorexia, nausea, vomiting, generalized gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer disease, stomatitis, and candidiasis), neuromuscular, hematologic, and dermatologic systems. As a result, clinical management of ESRD patients often extends into multiple disciplines of medicine” (http://www.dentistryiq.com/).


According to the American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA), this is like “a silent epidemic promoting the onset of life-threatening diseases which are responsible for the deaths of millions of Americans each year.”

And of course it is not only Americans who are having these problems but this is something everybody of us should think about. It takes some minutes every day to use the best products you can find to take care of your teeth.

These authors strongly believe - based on their personal experience with ESRD and the credentials as allied healthcare providers - that dental and medical providers must also assess patient quality of life issues and see the strong connection between different diseases, like kidney disease, and your dental health. If you get a kidney disease, it is going to end up to dialyses and maybe organ transplantation is needed.

I feel this is a very scaring scenario; to have to become an organ transplantation patient because of I didn´t take care of my teeth. There are no excuses to not take care of your dental health today because we have modern toothbrushes and, as told before, It takes only some minutes every day.

If you have a kidney disease, the following occurs: “The specific oral complications which are commonly observed with ESRD patients include: pallor of the oral mucosa secondary to anemia, diminished salivary flow resulting in chronic dry mouth and parotid infections due to severe fluid restrictions, patients frequently complain of a metallic-like taste, and the saliva often has an ammonia- type odor due to uremia” (http://www.dentistryiq.com/).

Even Dr Dan Pettersson is telling us the same thing: “People with renal problems may have a bad taste and odor in their mouths, which occurs because the kidneys are not removing urea from the blood and the urea is breaking down to form ammonia. Skeletal changes also can occur because the body cannot absorb calcium properly. People with kidney problems can lose bone from their jaws and their teeth may become loose and painful” (Pettersson, D. http://www.dentalgentlecare.com/kidney_disease_&_oral_health.htm).

In the U.S., dental professionals are going to see an unprecedented number of patients with CKD and ESRD. Several factors contribute to the need for continuing education in oral-systemic medicine, including the high number of medically indigent CKD patients; marked increases in medically complex ESRD patients; new clinical guidelines (such as the National Kidney Foundation’s Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (http://www.dentistryiq.com/).

But there is a very simple solution: take care of your teeth! And do it with the best products you can find today: Emmi-Dent Ultrasonic!


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