Optimization and Website Optimization for Search Engines

Posted by Vaibhav Aggarwal
Mar 21, 2013

I often see one of confusion in the minds of some website owners between optimization and website optimization for search engines. Moreover, even web agencies or providers in SEO communicate under the term "Site customization", which undoubtedly contributes to this confusion ...
While these two types of optimization are very close, but they are quite different.

Optimization for searching browser is defined as follows: "A set of techniques to promote understanding of the theme and content of one or all pages of a website by search engines research. Such techniques aim to provide maximum information about the content of a web page to crawlers from search engines. "
Professionals commonly refer to this optimization SEO for Search Engine Optimization.
SEO is about understanding the elements of a searching sites is sought and include these elements in your site. While the  Google, Yahoo, Bing and many more understands your sites in top ranked pages when a user searches for a term. You must make your site search engine friendly and user friendly at the same time. It is one of the best Internet marketing  technique to generate traffic  and increase your website visibility.

Optimization of website is defined as by Rich Page (specialist conversions, web testing and optimization at Adobe): "It is the art of testing and improving websites to improve conversions, combining tests, analyzes, usability and web marketing best practices. "
 Further optimizations

Optimization for search engines (SEO) has an effect on the visibility of your website in search engine results, so BEFORE a user visits your site. This optimization is essential because a large part of the volume and quality of traffic to your site depends on it.

When a user arrives at your site, often AFTER searched, Optimization of website is supposed to intuitively guide the user towards conversion (purchase, request for information, membership, registration, ...). If this optimization is not well done, the user may have difficulty finding what they are looking for within your site, or to become discouraged if the conversion process is too long or complex.

Even if your site is optimized to get a good traffic through searching browsers, your efforts can be rendered ineffective if it is not also optimized to help your visitors in the conversion process.
Conversely, if your site is optimized to promote engagement and conversion, and the current traffic converts well, it is clear that additional efforts in SEO will only increase traffic and conversions.
It therefore appears that these two customizations are complementary or "nested" and inseparable. During the development and optimization of the site is already time to think about optimizing for surfing software, because it involves the implementation of several techniques to incorporate in Development (e.g. Url rewriting, Title Management, Page names and Metadata, Integration of Semantic markers, Internal navigation, Good content, Alt tags, Links building etc)..
Any website will every chance of his side if it is optimized for Internet and the search engines...

Vaibhav Aggarwal, is an expert article writer.He is an affiliated SEO Guru & having 12 years of experience in article writing, online branding and ORM. For more info click here:<a
href="http://www.vabsearch.com"target="_blank">SEO services company in India</a>


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