Love is in the air but air today has got extremely polluted

Posted by Neha Rastogi
Feb 25, 2016

      Love is in the air but air today has got extremely polluted


Rich air quality can be found at higher altitudes simply because the pollutant particles are heavy and usually end up at lower altitudes, also the air is in free flow and constantly changing. The air quality becomes poor when unwanted particles or materials are released into the air in large amounts to harm human health, plants and animals, and our environment. These are called as air pollutants; the quality of air depends on the amount of pollutants, the rate at which they are released from various sources, and how quickly the pollutants disperse or how long they are trapped in an area.

 Air pollutants will easily mix with the air and disperse quickly if the area has good airflow, but when the air is trapped the quantity of pollutants will increase rapidly. This leads to ‘poor' air quality or air pollution.

 Many people are of the opinion that those with extreme health conditions of asthma or allergies must be the ones to invest in air purifiers but this is not true. If we don’t have an air purifier to help keep the levels of pollutants at our homes at a reasonable level, we will be at risk, allowing all the pollutants to build up and cause the above mentioned health conditions. Contaminants may come from outside and inside a home. Pet dander from fur-bearing cats or dogs, insects like dust cockroaches or dust mites, dusts and pollens these contaminants cause allergic symptoms. Also, combustion byproducts, these are gases and small particles caused by the incomplete burning of fuels such as gas, oil, kerosene, wood, or charcoal and are also produced by tobacco smoking. There is enough spoken about pollution air pollution outside our homes.

 As a mandate, keep your house clean at all times. Vacuum or sweep and then follow by swabbing the floor with a disinfectant. This will ensure hygiene and clear out all impurities like dust, pet dander. Ensure that the room has good ventilation. This will make sure that no stale air remains within the enclosed room. Periodically open windows and let fresh air enter rooms so that there is constants flow of air.

 In today’s environment, it is best to have for any indoor space, an air purifier, especially for those in city areas have become a necessity. Air purifiers are developed to purify the air from dust, pet dander, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants. HEPA, or High Efficiency Particulate Air filters are most frequently used air purifiers for home and offices. These filters can clean the air physically by stopping the pollutants or bacteria when the air goes through them. It is important that the air in the room must go through it for a HEPA filter to work efficiently. HEPA filter sterilize and removes impurities from the air more effectively it removes bacteria passing through the filter protecting the quality of air. Kent Air purifiers are the leading pioneers in air purifiers, with innovative and cost effective solution to improve the quality of air indoors with their HEPA air purifier.

 Make sure you check air purifiers and select one that suits your need and pocket it is more important to ensure that your loved ones enjoy healthy and rich quality of air at the most, at home.



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