Get a reality check on why you need water purifiers

Posted by Neha Rastogi
May 25, 2016

Water is the basis of human survival. This statement stands true not only due to the reason that water is needed for drinking purpose. The human body itself is comprised of 70% of water. Moreover, we use water in daily chores like bathing, washing, cleaning and cooking. A human can survive without food till a certain level but refraining from water is an impossible task! Thus, water emerges out to be the basic necessity at all levels.

We don’t need to represent the importance of water in our lives as a fact because everyone is aware of it. However, we are infamous to take the resource of water for granted. Though 70% of earth comprises of water, most of it is in the ocean. This salty water is unfit for human consumption. Only 1% of the water present on earth is fresh water and can be considered for human usage.

Moreover, the harsh reality remains that most of the people in cities and towns receive contaminated tap water. Consumption of contaminated water is the major reason of health problems in urban areas.

We are aware of these appalling facts about the health problems caused by contaminated water, still we tend to remain ignorant. What we have to realize is that the cost of losing on our health is way more than the ease of having water directly from the tap. Over the period of time, the level of water quality is on a constant degradation. Lack of preventive measures in regards to drinking water has been a major hurdle that we have to cross. Regular checks of drinking water in certified labs should be a habit for everyone.

Having lead based pipes at home can be a major cause of water contamination. Lead dissolved in water, if consumed, can cause development problems in children and kidney failures. The extensive usage of pesticides has led to a major chunk of water being damaged. These chemicals slowly seep into the ground water and contaminate it. Improper disposal of garbage, sewage and industrial waste is also a major contributor to the contamination of water. With such varied contaminants filling in the space of water, the risk of bacteria and virus being found in water is high.

Refraining on our part from activities that contaminate water can be a long-term solution. Whereas, the prevention of consuming contaminated water to safeguard our health can be achieved with the help of water filters. An appliance that started off as a luxury to many people is now on a rampant advancements into numerous households. With people starting to learn the advantages of having water purifiers at home and their work place, we have seen a dip in health disorder cases in certain areas. However, it is important to have a water purifier of the right technology rather than just having a water purifier.

With the purification segment going through major advancements, we have a technology that leads in water purification. It is the technology of Reverse Osmosis, which has proven its worth and effectiveness. Kent, a huge brand known for its forte in purification, has to its name the path-breaking water purifier. Kent’s Mineral RO water purifier is one the best in what it does. RO being such a strong process, it is known to remove all dissolved impurities from water. However, it ends up eliminating the essential dissolved minerals of the water too, which are needed by our body. This isn’t the case for people who use Kent Mineral RO as it comes with a TDS controller which helps retain the essential minerals of the water. This makes the water safe and healthy to drink. So next time you are about to have tap water, keep in mind the risk involved for your health. It is always worth the effort to switch to a better and safer option.

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