An Air Purifier is no more a luxury it’s a necessity

Posted by Neha Rastogi
Apr 21, 2016


       An Air Purifier is no more a luxury it’s a necessity   


There once prevailed a time when water purifiers were new to the face of households. They were considered an appliance for the rich and were neglected for a major part of the time! However, people soon realized the importance of water purifiers and its health benefits. Similar relapse has occurred with air purifiers! For a long time, air purifiers have been considered a luxury and have been overlooked but now the times are changing.

The rate of air pollution happening is a lot more than the rate at which we are fighting it. We are trying to push back and cut-off the pollutants in the air, but the ever-growing modernization has out run us! As we march towards the uphill of modern revolution, we are constantly deteriorating the health and well being of ourselves. With air pollution at full bloom, there is no solace from it even within our homes. The pollutants make their way inside easily and are considered more dangerous when found within walls as compared to open air. This is where people should realize that air purifiers are becoming a necessity and is not just a luxury appliance. It helps reducing the pollutants in homes and offices, directly benefiting our heath! Read further to know how?

There are many different variants available in air purifiers. The criterion is of utmost importance in an air purifier remains to be the technology it runs on! There are many technologies already running in the segment. After detailed study & comparison, we can narrow down your choice to one of the most effective appliance in this segment i.e. HEPA air cleaner!

To give you an overview about this technology, HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor. As the name suggests, this technique has more adherence in removing particulate matter from the air. Most of our time is spent in confined areas such as homes and offices. Closed areas have lesser air ventilation and a better surrounding for nurturing pollutants. Even our body releases bacteria into the air, eventually making it unhealthy if not checked! Cooking fumes, paint fumes, pet hair etc. they all add up to the list pollutants found at homes. As these things have no other alternative, it is considered best to replenish our air with the help of HEPA air cleaner!

Air around us has various chemical gases, pathogens and dust in it. They all can lead up to major health issues if inhaled without purification. However, the particles of these pollutants are so petite, that major air purification technologies fail to achieve accuracy in arresting them. Whereas, HEPA has an arresting power of particulate matter up to 0.3 microns, thus cleaning the air almost accurately.  

Kent, known as the House of Purity, is a leading brand in the sector of purification. Kent HEPA air purifier, a golden feather to their hat, is one of the most reputed and trusted air purifier. With the efficient HEPA technology, it cleans air with three filter stages. First and the second filter remove particulate matter and harmful gases & odour from the air, respectively. The third stage and the highlight of the appliance is the HEPA filter. It eliminates the bacterial content in the air with its anti-bacterial coating, further removing 99.9% of the PM 2.5 particulates from the air. Topping it with an ionizer at the end, which is in-built in the air purifier, it helps give fresher air in the surrounding! All this comprises to be an all-round protection from air pollutants at home and offices. With its smart filter change indicator and user-friendly design, Kent is making life healthy and comfortable!  



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