How to Tackle Leg Cramps During Pregnancy like a Pro

Posted by Mom Busywitty
Nov 19, 2020

Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in a woman’s life. One moment you are experiencing the exhilarating joy of expecting, feeling on top of the world, when the sheer enormity of the responsibility of a new life growing inside you strikes you hard. As a pregnant mom, you go through many conflicting emotions, and your moods are like seesaw movements.

And these contradictions and upheavals are not limited to emotions and moods only. Through the three trimesters of pregnancy, your body goes through several hormonal and physical changes. And these lead to side effects like nausea, morning sickness, heartburn, loss of appetite, back pain, leg cramps, indigestion, you name it! 

Throughout the three trimesters of pregnancy, the expecting mom faces several health challenges. To say that pregnancy is the ultimate roller coaster ride for a woman is actually an understatement. 

In this article, we try to find out more about the very common problem of leg cramps during pregnancy that affects most women in the second or third trimester. We also suggest some effective ways to deal with it, so that your pregnancy doesn’t become a pain for you!

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Leg cramps are involuntary contractions of muscles at the back of the calf, and they tend to occur at night. So, while you are trying to get some precious sleep, these cramps turn up with a sharp pain in your calf. 

You might as well bid goodbye to your shuteye, now that the pain demands your immediate attention! The cramps and pain may occur in the calf or the foot, or both.

Doctors however, insist that though leg pain in pregnancy causes a lot of discomfort, it is not something you should be unduly worried about. This is a fairly common pregnancy symptom that bothers most women in the second and third trimester. General fatigue, dehydration, sitting in one position for a long time, may be the reasons for your leg cramps during pregnancy.

Now that you know this, plan to be active and move around every few minutes, even if it is only to get yourself a glass of water. If you are employed and have a sedentary job, try to walk to the copier or to the cooler from time to time.

A little walking and moving around hurt nobody!

What causes leg cramps during pregnancy?

Going through the travails of your pregnancy, you must have realized by now, that your body seems to have a mind of its own! Sudden aches and cramps crop up from nowhere, and even taking the utmost precautions can’t really prevent niggling pains and discomforts.

Blood circulation tends to slow down during pregnancy, due to overactive hormones. In the last trimester, the blood volume increases substantially too. Poor blood circulation and increased blood volume can cause painful leg cramps in the second or third trimester.

But did you know that a simple thing like not drinking enough water could also give you the painful cramps you dread?

Read on to know the most common causes of leg pain in pregnancy:

  • Dehydration can cause or worsen leg cramps. An indication of dehydration would be the colour of your urine that should be clear or near clear. If urine is dark yellow, it is a sign that you are not drinking enough water. Make sure your intake of water is sufficient (about 3 litres a day).

  • Weight gain is a common reason, as your growing belly increases your weight and the pressure on your legs, more so in the last trimester. Make sure you gain the ideal amount of weight through your pregnancy term, and remain moderately active during pregnancy.

  • Calcium or magnesium deficiency may lead to leg cramps. But that itself is no cause for taking supplements. Do check with your physician first.

  • Growing fatigue that comes from strained muscles, causes leg pain. You are carrying another human being, however small. Think of the pressure on your body muscles!

Should I be worried about cramps during pregnancy?

Leg cramps in early pregnancy (first trimester) may be due to hormonal changes and an expanding uterus. Getting regular cramps alone does not confirm pregnancy though. You need to check up with your doctor for that. 

In the third trimester of pregnancy, leg cramps are quite common and should not be a cause for worry. As suggested above, make sure you walk around, and avoid sitting in one place for a long time.

Be careful to watch out though, for severe and prolonged pain while standing or moving around, accompanied with swelling in one or both legs, or enlarged veins. These are all signs of a blood clot. Consult your doctor if your leg cramps are severe, persistent, or worsening. In such cases, you might need to take supplements or medication.

How do you stop leg cramps fast? 

We have seen that leg cramps may be a result of poor blood circulation, dehydration or deficiency of calcium or magnesium. The exact reason for occurrence of cramps is not clearly known.

The following may help in reducing your leg cramps to an extent:

  • Drinking sufficient water to keep your body hydrated (8-10 glasses at least)

  • Eating a balanced diet with greens, fruits, nuts and yoghurt to get your daily dose of calcium and magnesium

  • Staying active through your pregnancy. 

  • Exercising in moderation, if not disallowed by your doctor.

  • Stretching your legs and flexing your calf muscles periodically.

  • Not sitting or standing continuously for long periods of time. Walking around every half hour.

  • Making sure you wear comfortable shoes through the day.

  • Elevating your legs slightly on a pillow while sleeping (it helps in improving blood circulation). 

  • Taking a warm shower or bath before sleep may help soothe your cramps

  • A muscle massage or applying an ice pack can help ease the pain.

  • Applying an oil for leg cramps that has the pain alleviation properties of the Calcium rich Mahua oil can give relief. It helps if you apply a natural relief oil that has Mustard, Turmeric and Sea Buckthorn oils, along with Mahua oil to reduce muscle swelling and inflammation. Regular massage with this oil helps improve bone strength, blood circulation and muscle strength. This essential oil for muscle cramps works wonders in reducing leg cramps and also doubles as a knee pain relief oil.

Try out these hacks, and find out what helps alleviate your leg cramps. 

The Moms Co. is with you all the way through your pregnancy and motherhood journey to make it an enjoyable one. Their fully natural pregnancy skincare products - like pain relief oils and stretch oils, help soothe your discomfort and bring relief from soreness. What’s most important, all their products are 100% natural, and are Australia certified toxin free, chemical and additive free. So, you can rest completely assured about what is going into your skin. 

Do remember, the pain is temporary. Enjoy your pregnancy. 

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