Baby Hygiene: Handy Tips for Bath and Wash Time
Your baby is just so beautiful, so very delicate and vulnerable. Don’t you just love to look at your baby for hours at end? How could anything be so perfect, you wonder!
Being a parent is both exhilarating and frightening. The small life that you have given birth to, is entirely dependent on you for protection, nourishment, and love and care. It’s a responsibility every new parent undertakes. Everything is so new for you, yet you must have the best for your baby.
One of the main activities in taking care of a baby is bathing. Parents worry about cleaning their baby properly, in a manner that their sensitive skin is not irritated in any way. It goes without saying that you need to be very gentle and careful while bathing your baby. Only the best and most natural baby products should be used, while keeping the bathing process fun and safe.
In this blog, we address the most pressing questions about baby’s hygiene, and give you some tips on how you can make the bathing experience a pleasant one for your baby. Also get tips on giving your baby a haircut.
Are you supposed to bathe babies every day?
Newborn babies shouldn’t be bathed often as it can lead to skin dryness. You can bathe your baby 2-3 times a week with a gentle, mild cleanser that is free from harmful chemicals such as sulphates and artificial fragrances. Before you start bathing your baby, ensure that you have everything you require on hand such as a clean diaper, a towel, change of clothes, baby lotion and diaper rash cream. Once you start bathing your baby, never leave them unattended as it can be dangerous. Always check the water temperature with your elbow before your start bathing your baby to ensure that it is just right.
How many times a week should babies bathe?
If the weather is hot and humid, it’s essential that your baby remains clean and comfortable. In the summers, give your baby a sponge bath twice a day, if required. As your baby grows up, start introducing her to bathing in a small tub half-filled with water. You can bathe your baby thrice a week or daily if required. Make sure you use natural baby products while bathing.
When bathing your baby, use a clean, soft sponge or washcloth to cleanse one area at a time. Start with cleansing behind the ears, then move on to neck, elbows, knees, between toes and fingers and then move on to the diaper area. Make sure you clean between the folds of the skin. The hair comes towards the end so that your baby doesn’t catch a cold.
Use a gentle baby body wash that is soap free and coconut-based cleansers. Use a soft wash cloth to gently apply the cleanser. Make sure the cleanser is made with organic ingredients, and is fully chemical free.
Make bath time a time for bonding with your little one. As your baby splashes around in the small bath tub, talk to her or sing to her. Never leave your baby unattended in the bathtub.
Baby Bath Time: How Often?
When your baby crosses six months, he is becoming more active and you need to bath him more often. Now, taking regular baths can be made a daily ritual. Most days, just use a wet washcloth and plain water. You can use a baby body wash, that is fully natural and has Chamomile and Aloe.
Since your baby is grabbing things with fingers and the hands are getting dirtier, you must clean hands carefully and gently. Use a natural hand wash in a washcloth to gently rinse off the dirt from your hands.
You will notice that your baby’s growing hair gets messy and needs regular cleaning. Cleanse your baby’s hair twice a month with a tear-free, gentle coconut-based baby shampoo that has the conditioning properties of Argan and Moringa oils. This totally chemical and irritant free natural shampoo will gently cleanse your baby’s hair without causing any side effects.
Health experts recommend that when you select the soap, shampoo, and hand wash you’ll use for your baby, aim for natural baby products that are free of additives, harmful chemicals and fragrance.
Once your baby starts crawling and is on all fours, you need to focus on keeping hands, knees and feet clean. They are eating solids too along with milk. Food particles, spilt milk and dirt get mixed with saliva or sweat, and stick to the skin folds. This is the time they are teething too, so they will chew on their fingers or on anything they can find. Clean their hands and trim the nails often.
Make regular baths a daily, fun affair your baby looks forward to. Now you must be using a larger tub to give baths, so add some colourful toys to add to the fun element.
Important tip: Remember to rinse off all the soapy water before drying your baby. Gently pat your baby’s skin and hair dry with a clean, soft towel.
Baby’s Haircut: When and How?
As your baby’s hair starts growing long, it tends to get unruly and tangled. You need to give your baby a haircut once a month at least, to keep her comfortable.
Cleanse your baby’s hair with a tear-free, mild baby shampoo before trimming it. Always clean and sterilize the scissors before using the baby's hair.
After your baby completes a year, you can get their hair cut in a proper parlour. Use a natural baby shampoo that cleanses their hair without leaving dry or rough.
So, now you are sorted with regards to bathing your baby, washing hands, and giving a haircut. And don’t worry about doing things the perfect way; as long as your baby is active and healthy, you are doing just fine.
Whatever you do, enjoy the process and let your baby fully enjoy too. These bonding fun times are some of the most cherished memories that stay for life. The Moms Co. is with you at every step of your journey, with natural, toxin-free baby products. And with this Australia-certified dermatologically -tested brand taking care of your baby’s skin and hair, leave your worries behind and spend time cuddling with your baby!
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