6 Simple, Workable Ways to Get Those Unsightly Stretch Marks to Fade

Posted by Mom Busywitty
Feb 11, 2021

You have become a mother, and are revelling in the sheer ecstasy of cuddling and nursing your little angel. The pains and discomforts aside, the journey from pregnancy to motherhood has been like a crazy roller coaster ride. But now, just looking at your baby compensates for all the backaches, the swollen feet, the sleepless nights, the pain and the nausea you had to go through during your pregnancy. 

Once your baby has come, its time now to look at your own body and do some self-care. Eating well, resting enough, moderately exercising, are all up there in the self-care list. One more thing that needs to be there is regular skincare.

Pregnancy and motherhood have been tough on your skin and self-image. The pregnancy weight gain hasn’t added anything to your confidence, and the stretch marks that you have now are not pretty to look at. Fluctuating weight has left your skin with visible bands of lines that look different from the rest of your skin.

But, stretch marks removal is possible and being a smart mother, you would want to know how to get your skin in top shape again. So, ladies, read on.

How long does it take for stretch marks to fade?

Stretch marks form in the middle layer of your skin, when the adjacent tissue is stretched due to rapid expansion or contraction of the skin beyond its normal elasticity limit. When your body grows due to weight gain during pregnancy, the connecting skin fibres have to stretch suddenly. This leads to the dermis tearing up, which allows deeper layers of skin to show through.

During the second and third trimester, you need to gain weight as your baby is growing. Once your delivery is over, your body returns to its earlier size, but the marks of sudden weight gain and loss are etched on your skin.

Generally, stretch marks appear on the stomach, hips, thighs, upper arms and breasts. An increase of the cortisone hormone during pregnancy makes your skin lose its elasticity, and these marks appear from skin stretching to make room for your baby. 

Sometimes, you can get stretch marks due to general weight gain or loss too. If you are slightly overweight, you tend to get these more. Stretch marks show more on lighter skinned people.

Whatever the cause, stretch marks do not look very pleasant and tend to make you feel conscious of your body. 

Do stretch marks go away? That is the question in your mind right now. The good news is that yes, they do over time. 

Certain skincare products that aid in restoring collagen and growth of elastin help in fading stretch marks. However, these creams may be risky to use during pregnancy and while nursing your baby, as these products may contain Retinoids that are harmful to the foetus or your newborn.

You certainly can’t risk using skincare products that may harm your little darling!

Relax, mother nature has the answer to all your problems. There is a natural alternative to these chemicals that are perfectly safe to use even during pregnancy and while nursing your baby.


How do you fade stretch marks? 

Make sure you gain the ideal amount of weight during pregnancy, so that losing it won’t cause drastic changes. Excessive weight gain and subsequent loss cause deeper stretch marks.

The following habits will help you for stretch mark removal:

  • During your pregnancy, do keep fit. Just because you are carrying a baby, doesn’t mean that you let yourself go and gain unlimited weight. Do light exercise regularly after consulting your doctor.

  • If your stretch marks are not due to pregnancy weight gain, and are a result of sudden weight addition, do not resort to fad or crash dieting. Losing weight suddenly causes stretch lines to become prominent on the skin.

  • Exfoliate your skin regularly through dry brushing. This helps remove excess dead skin from your body.

  • Use natural body butter cream to avert dehydration of skin and to keep your skin thoroughly moisturized. 

  • Massage the affected areas with a topical cream or a natural stretch marks oil that has plant oils and Vitamin E. This will lighten the stretch marks. Be careful however, that your topical creams and products do not contain chemicals or allergens.

  • You can get microdermabrasion or microneedling procedures done by a specialist. However, these procedures are expensive and require repeat sessions.

An easy option to get your stretch marks to fade would be this skincare routine:

  • After your bath, apply a natural body lotion that has Shea Butter, Rosehip, and Organic Chamomile and Organic Jojoba oils to moisturize your dry, itchy skin. Allow the goodness of these oils and Vitamin E to seep into your skin.

  • Apply a natural stretch marks oil that has the soothing properties of natural Almond, Jojoba and extra virgin Olive oils to soothe itchy skin and help in stretch marks removal. Vitamin E and A, present in Sea Buckthorn oil that also has omega fatty acids aid in skin regeneration and improve elasticity. With Rosehip oil to stimulate collagen production, and Wheatgerm oil to prevent skin damage, this is the best oil for stretch marks. Remember to start applying this oil from the second trimester of your pregnancy till after childbirth. For best results, apply twice a day.

  • Your body needs sustained moisturization during pregnancy, and after your baby is born when your body is going through a lot of wear and tear. Collagen production also needs to be stimulated for new skin to form. Invest in a natural body butter cream to deeply nourish your itchy, dry skin. With the moisturizing powers of Olive, Jojoba and Almond oils, and the deep nourishing benefits of Cocoa and Shea Butters, this cream helps in increasing your skin’s elasticity and stimulates collagen production.

Get your stretch marks to fade by using completely natural, toxin free skincare products that are perfectly safe for you and your baby. 

Allow your skin to soak in the goodness of natural oils and body butters, and watch it glow. Stretch marks are, after all, a proof of your successful motherhood journey. 

Love your body and love yourself. You truly deserve all the care and love!

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