Handling Customer Complaints Using Your Lead Generation Telemarketing Campaign

Posted by Maegan Anderson
Sep 5, 2012

In any telemarketing campaign, there will always be a possibility that you encounter someone who wants to complain. Whether they are prospects or actual customers, they might have something to say about your business. Handling complaints is also an important skill needed in lead generation campaigns. And the reason you are using telemarketing is because it serves as an effective vehicle in getting in touch with the prospects. But you still have to deal with the complaints of customers. Depending on your skill, it can make generating sales leads easier, or really give you a headache. So how will you be able to handle that?

  1. Know the language of your prospects - whether you are talking to prospects or customers, you have to know what they really mean when they say something. Paying attention to these verbal cues can mean a great deal for your business, especially during your lead generation and appointment setting campaign.

  2. See the positive side of complaints - when you hear complaints, do not be at the defensive immediately. You might learn a lot from such complaints. There might be areas in your service that may need improvements.

  3. Review your complaints - you should record your complaints into a log. Studying the patterns might reveal some patterns or details that can help you improve your business operations.

  4. Give your front-line people the ability to solve problems - this is important if you are offering your latest service. There might be issues that they are facing with your current service, so before you can make a sale, these issues must be resolved first. And the best way to do that is by giving your front-line staff the power to solve it.

  5. Manage customer expectations from the start - this is meant to avoid dissatisfaction. There is a saying that you should ‘under-promise but over-deliver’. Setting the bar too high at the start of the call may result to prospects becoming disillusioned with your business when you fall short of it.

  6. Teach your employees on how to deal with hostile persons - there will always be that rare chance that your telemarketers get a hostile or abusive speaker at the other end.  Knowing how to deal with them will not only lessen the impact of the hostility, but it can actually help calm things down.

  7. Make sure your team can handle complaints - telemarketing teams are mostly oriented to selling, so it is understandable if they get stuck if the receive complaints. Train them how to handle such calls, and it will greatly help in the course of their work.

Of course, all these are just a few of the many things that you can learn and use in your lead generation and appointment setting work. What is important is that you work with the best team to support your business. If you have problems hiring a team of your own, you can always outsource your work to a competent telemarketing company. It is a very good investment.

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