Gastrointestinal Diseases: What are They and What are its Symptoms?

Posted by Indrani Mukherjee
Oct 26, 2015

Gastrointestinal diseases are one of the most common forms of health disorder which about 74% of the population encounter in the present time. If you are one of the vulnerable individual suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, knowing what the disease is all about and thereafter following effective measure along with proper treatment to resolve this disorder will put an end to it.

This type of disease relate to eruption of diseases occurring from gastrointestinal tract such as esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and organs of digestion.  Here in this condition there is likelihood of small and large intestine gets affected by infections and in severe cases there are chances that intestine gets inflamed and leads to diarrhea.

In acute conditions, one witnesses severe case of constipation or regular bowel movement in body. The causes of constipation are however considered as faecal impaction and obstruction of bowel. Wrong sitting posture has been considered as a major contributing factor for waste to not effectively evacuate and converting into hard stool. Natural posture to eliminate waste is squatting unlike what most of us follow that is sitting posture.  However introduction of toilet stool to squat helps attain natural posture even when using western commode toilet.

Constipation when left untreated and unattended can turn out fatal as it causes passing of blood with stool. It injuries the colon muscles and inflammation of rectum area further irritates any individual to sit or bend.  This painful condition could turn out permanent with surface of hemorrhoids, piles and finally turning to colon cancer. Generally anal or colon cancer is directly related with ulcerative colitis and at times with sexually transmitted infections. Do not allow feces to contaminate in the colon muscles and let normal stool harden up. Squat over potty and eliminate waste complete out of body daily.

Modern day food habits and lifestyle as a whole is such that it goes against the biological clock. Consumption of alcohol above normal limit affects the liver tissues and turns out acute and chronic. Persistent pressure on liver leads to acute liver abscesses and finally resulting to occurrence of jaundice. Many times, it also leads to build up of fluid in abdomen, yellowing of skin or eyes, easy bruising, immunosuppression.

Gall bladder and biliary tract gets affected with excess fat secretion and this are mainly related to faulty diet chart. Formation of gallstones impacts gallbladder and the bile ducts to a large extent. Many associated autoimmuno diseases also occur due to intestinal disorder. Diseases related to biliary tree causes pain in the upper right abdomen which with medical tests and treatment can be cured completely. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting are some of the symptoms of acute pancreatic diseases.

Existence of these kinds of diseases in the body leads to inactivity and sluggish attitude towards life. Right kind of treatment and timely medication can work out as perfect solutions to resolve host of diseases mentioned above. Individuals however need to be extra conscious of food habits and regular physical exercise to help body system work at optimum pace.  Exercising helps body gain fresh air, improves the immune system and helps in elimination waste daily.

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