Did you know fecal inconsistency can be prevented with squat stool?

Posted by Indrani Mukherjee
Nov 18, 2015

Fecal incontinence is basically a disorder wherein one witnesses ‘inability to control bowel movement.’ This condition ranges from any kind of leakage of stool. This leakage of bowel however differ in the sense that it may either an individual may witness loss of bowel control completely or witness an occasional leakage.

The call for bowel is mainly regulated by rectal sensation, rectal accommodation and anal sphincter muscles. But due to malfunction of any of these muscles, occurrence of Bowel inconsistency takes place in the body. Urge for bowel movement in human being arises when the rectal walls stretch out. Nevertheless, a person suffering from fecal inconsistency may not sense fullness of the rectum as the sphincter muscles and nerves get ruptured or injured. It is predominantly why one is unable to hold feces in the body.

A large section of people get affected by fecal incontinence. In severe cases, fecal incontinence can contribute to patient travelling to nursing homes. Hence it is important for an individual to work on the issue to cure it. Basically this disease is occurred due to muscle or nerve injuries and it aggravates as one starts ageing.

Causes of Fecal incontinence

Various factors may lead to occurrence of fecal incontinence and it is not always because of aging that is the main cause of this health issue. Let’s give a closer look at some of them-

1.       Alzheimer’s Disease- This basically causes fecal incontinence as resultant effect of nervous system disorder.

2.       Chronic Laxative Abuse- In case one is over dependent on laxatives to maintain regularity of bowel, this may ultimately lead to fecal incontinence.

3.       Constipation- Among the elderly, occurrence of fecal incontinence is a common thing. Most often the stools become harder as a result of which the rectum gets impacted. Squat stool for toilet posture can be used as a real working aid to prevent hard stool formation. Fecal stagnation in the rectum mainly contributes to causation of hard stool. This stool does not allow stagnation of stool in the body.

4.       Rectal Prolapse- When severe and chronic strain is applied to move bowel from body, it leads to occurrence of drop down of rectum to anus and through the vagina in women.

5.        Surgery- Sphincter muscles damage are likely to occur due to any surgical operations that involves rectum and anus or hemorrhoid removal.

6.       Muscle Damage- Any kind of rectal surgery contributes to occurrence of occurrence of bowel incontinence because here also damage of Sphincter muscles are likely to occur.

7.       Nerve Damage- Prolong severe strain of nerves at the time of childbirth can lead to damage of nerves. Any women attacked by an obstetrical injury are likely to become incontinent right at the age of 45.

8.         Neurological conditions- There is a greater likelihood for all those patients who suffer from nervous problem such as multiple sclerosis, various form of dementia, diabetes, spinal cord tumors and spinal injuries to witness fecal incontinence.

9.       Rectal inelasticity- As one undergoes radiation or a surgery, it hardens the rectal walls. This is the primary reason why the ability to hold stool completely diminishes.


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