Did You know Hair Fall Occurs Due to Less Nutritional Element in Body?

Posted by Indrani Mukherjee
Dec 3, 2015

Witnessing tremendous loss of hair is common to any girls these days. Reasons for such can be both emotional and psychological. However, irrespective of men and women every individual notices hair thinning once they cross the age of 30 due to hormonal changes. Health experts are of the opinion that hair loss is an indication about body being out of balance. In fact excessive hair loss is witnessed when one has serious health problems.

Hair loss mainly occurs due to several reasons such as nutritional deficiencies or excesses or when one is deficient in essential vitamins or nutrients. As winter approaches, it is obvious that shedding of hair is nothing unusual. Spending stressful time in preparation for meal for family in the festive time, managing office, buying gifts and whole lot of other activities will keep you fully exhausted and stressed out. Stress is the main reason why one experiences hair loss.

As you experience excessive bloating and acidity, it is common to experience hair loss. Bloating and acidity in the body occurs, when you are not eliminating waste daily and due to following of unhealthy diet chart. Use step stool for adults to attain natural squatting posture for smooth elimination of waste daily and combat acidity and bloating issue in body. The essential nutrients required for body are-

  1. Vitamin A- This is essential for the growth and health of essential cells running throughout the body which includes hair and the scalp. When there is a deficiency of this nutrient, it can cause hair loss and dandruff. Rich sources of this Vitamin component are-red orange, yellow fruit, vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, milk, liver and fish oil.
  2. Vitamin B6, B12 and Folic Acid- It is important for the production of Red blood cells and bring oxygen from lungs to all the other tissues of the body which includes hair too. Rich sources of this Vitamin are-Chicken, fish, liver, kidney, pork, soy beans, avocado, beets, broccoli, leafy vegetables, orange juice, eggs, milk and wheat germ.
  3. Vitamin C- This nutrient is very important for the production of collagen that helps in keeping the hair and tissues of body in order. This Vitamin are mostly found in citrus fruits, melons, berries, tomatoes, peppers, dark green leafy vegetables and potatoes.
  4. Essential Nutrient: Protein is present in every cells of the body, including the hair too. But body does not have the natural capability to produce proteins on its own. Food that helps boost proteins are Meat, fish, eggs, chicken, milk, cheese, yogurt and soy.
  5. Poor nutrition causes hair loss, taking in good nutrition can help restore hair for good health. Healthy diet helps in strengthening the hair and depletes hair fall.

Hence, by obtaining this information; one knows merely changing the shampoo brand or oiling the hair will not work perfect to treat hair fall. One has to replenish the inadequacy of nutrition level in body and cure of digestion issue with daily elimination of waste from body with use of potty stool for adults. Our body is a biological machine and fixing the root causes, helps cure any issue complete.


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